Chapter 6

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Riya parked her red BMW next to Samantha's white Audi. There so many officers entering and leaving the building. The night shift officers had smiles on their faces because they were excited to go home. Riya did not blame them because John was a pain in the ass. The morning shift officers were arriving with dull and frowned expressions. Riya found that understandable because she was also not excited to come to work lately. Riya came out the car with her black laptop bag and handbag. She noticed Zoe and Ying were entering the premises. Their apartments were two minutes away from the police station. They walked everyday here and back to their apartments. Sometimes, they would go out for dinner as friends. Zoe saw Riya locking her car. 

"Miss Moodley!", she called for Riya.

Riya heard her. "Zoe, you can call me Riya now.", she looked at Zoe and Ying.

They stopped in front of her. "It's an habit. We really don't want to go inside.", Ying was being honest.

"I know. But we need to work and earn a living at the end of the day. I also need the money to start my business.", Riya said then started walking to the building. 

Zoe and Ying followed her. "Riya, please start your business soon so we can get out of here. The money and facilities are great. All the officers are friendly. It's just the working ethics and the Captain is making things worse. Things weren't like this when we had the other Captain. Samantha was better when she was Head Officer.", Ying explained.

"Don't worry guys, I'm starting to make recipes and do trial runs. My business will be operating before you know it."

"Then we can start working at your business. Ying and I do know some baking skills.", Zoe suggested.

"We will see how it goes."

They entered the room where they usually work. Samantha was pouring her coffee by the corner. "Morning Sammy.", Riya, Zoe and Ying greeted together.

Samantha looked up at them. "Morning my darlings. What are you guys chatting about?", she came with her cup of coffee and a bagel. 

"We want to leave as soon as Riya's business starts.", Zoe said.

"Me too. I'm also tired of being an officer now. I spent my whole life being an officer. It's time for me to do something else.", Samantha sat by her desk. 

Riya understood how Samantha felt because of Samantha's horrible ex-husband. He only wanted her to work as an officer, nothing else. "Don't worry guys, my business is nearly there. I already found a place. Liang and I are putting money together to build that place. I'm using my money to buy the equipment and ingredients. Let's start small then we can go big.", Riya explained.

"That's my girl.", Samantha was impressed.

"Miss Lau, Miss Chen, Miss Moodley and Mr Zhang, in my office now.", John instructed them. 

Now they wondered what they were called for. They did not do anything wrong because they just arrived. John had nothing to hold against them. Riya, Zoe and Ying placed the bags in one corner. Samantha left her coffee and breakfast on the desk. They walked together to the office. They would rather go together and would receive punishment together. They entered the office together. John was looking at them with those angry eyes. Samantha closed the door behind her and stood next to Riya. They were standing in a line. John was looking at them.

"The reason I called you here because you are going to Los Angeles for a case.", he spoke in firm manner.

The four of them looked each other for a moment. Zoe and Ying had never been to Los Angeles before. This would be exciting to them. Samantha was just hoping that it was not a hectic case like the last one. Riya had nothing to say.

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