Code Amber

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Sadie was sitting in history class, half listening to the lecture the teacher was giving as she looked out the window.
She heard sirens in the distance, which made sense considering she was walking distance from Firehouse 51. The sirens grew louder and the engine soon drove infront of the school, it was Truck 81.
But it didn't go any further. It parked infront of the building. Everyone else in class took notice, crowding at the window. They all had musings of why they might be here, but Sadie's stomach dropped when Stella ran towards the school and in the front door still in full bunker gear.
She automatically started packing her backpack knowing what was coming. A few minutes later Stella stood at the door with the Principal.
Wordlessly they made their way out to the truck. Mouch opened the back door and helped Sadie up, sitting her between him and Gallo.

"Mouch what happened to Kelly?"
She almost whispered, scared to know. His sad eyes looked down at hers, he hesitated with his answer.

"...he was injured in a fire...we're going to the hospital."

He watched tears form in her eyes and silently fall.

"Hey sweetie" he put his arm around her "Its going to be ok, alright?"
She just nodded, the rest of the ride was a blur.
Walking into the waiting room, it was full of firefighters. Stella put a reassuring hand on Sadie's shoulder, Herman gestured to two seats he was saving.

"Any news yet?"
Stella asked Chief

"No...not yet...hey there Sadie."

"What happened Chief?"
He looked down at the young woman

"He was injured in a fire"

"No Chief. What happened?" She was wanting him to be straight with her.
He sighed before taking a seat

"The roof collapsed...he was trapped under a beam. His mask was damaged, so he inhaled a lot of smoke."

She looked away nodding in understanding, biting her lower lip.

"And the rest of Squad?"

"They had some minor injuries, but they're ok. Who do you think got him out?"
She gave half a smile before letting it fall again.

After what felt like hours a Dr. Will Halstead finally came out and walked over to Chief Boden, Sadie and Stella. Boden spoke up

"How's he lookin Doc?"

"He inhaled a lot of smoke, which damaged his lungs and dropped his oxygen levels, we have him on a ventilator now. This will give his lungs a chance to rest and heal."

"Any other injuries?"

"Some cuts, bruises a few cracked ribs. Whatever fell on him surprisingly didnt do any major damage. Physically he's out of the woods, but as far as any neurological deficits we wont know unless he wakes up."

"He's in a coma?"


"Can we see him?"
Sadie asked

"Yes, this way."

They followed him through the busy hall, arriving at the room. Sadie stopped at the door.
Last time she was in a hospital room her mom didnt come out of it alive.

"Sadie? Come on"
Stella beckoned her into the room

"I....I cant."
She ran from the door and down the hallway

By the time Stella made it out the door she was gone.

"Kidd you stay with him, I'll get her."
Boden left the room in the direction. Sadie ran.


Dr. Charles, needing a quiet moment to himself, stepped out onto one of the balconies of the hospital. The wind whipped his grey doctors coat behind him.
A quiet sob distracted him from his thoughts, looking around he saw a young girl at the opposite end of the balcony leaning on the guardrail crying into her folded arms.
He made his way over

"Are you ok?"

She looked up, her wet eyes meeting his.

"I'm sorry I didnt mean to startle you, I'm Dr. Charles. And you are?"


"Well Sadie, it's very nice to meet you. What's going on?"

"Just...a lot."

"Oh? Describe a lot."

She wiped her sleeve across her face

"What are you a shrink or something?"

"Well actually"

He pointed to the lettering on his coat.

'Daniel Charles M.D.
Dept of Psychiatry'

Said scoffed turning away from him.

"Sadie I have to ask...are you thinking about hurting yourself out here on this balcony?"

"What? No! I just needed to get away from everything...everyone."

"I understand that, that's why I'm out here. Do you have a family member in the hospital?"

"Yes, my brother...he's in a coma."

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that"

"And I cant bring myself to go into that room. To see him like that."

"Its understandable, hospitals can be scary."

"They didnt used to be that way to me, until..."
Another sob escaped her lips
"Until my mom died."

"Oh sweetie I'm so sorry, come here."

He wrapped the small girl in a hug as more sobs racked her body.

His smart watch buzzed on his wrist, a hospital wide Code Amber (missing child) for Sadie Severide. Glacing at that he gently pulled away and looked down

"I think there are some people looking for you Sadie."

"Probably a whole firehouse worth"

"Sadie what's going on right now is hard, I understand that. But each situation is unique, just because your mother passed away dosent mean the hospital is a bad place where people go to die. We have the best doctors here, and they will do everything they can for your brother. So how about we go pay him a visit? And let everyone else know you're ok."

She nodded following Dr. Charles back into the hospital.
Coming up to Kelly's room, Sadie stopped in the doorway.

"Go on"
Dr Charles gave her a small nudge
"Its ok"

Stepping into the room, it was empty aside from Kelly in his bed and the medical equipment surrounding him.
He had a bandage across the left side of his forehead, the breathing tube was hooked up made a quiet 'swish' sound. The lines on the monitors bounced up and down with each of his heartbeats.

She walked over and put her hand on his, a tear rolling down her nose.

"He's all I have left Dr. Charles."
She whispered, as if she were going to wake Kelly.

An Unexpected Family Reunion: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now