Seen Who? *REVISED*

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A/N: Sorry for the revision, but I didnt like how I wrote it out the first time. You all have been awesome. ❤

A few days had passed since Sadie went to stay with Maggie and she had since learned why there was a no-contact order between her and Kelly.
Carver had filed Sadie's placement as an emergency protective placement, which was usually reserved for kids who had gone through physical abuse from a guardian, and no one really understood why she would file it in such a way.
Sadie had wanted to sneak over to the firehouse after school, but Maggie had warned her that if the wrong person were to see her with Kelly that he could get in serious legal trouble and it would also risk the chance of Sadie going back home to him and Stella.

Back at the firehouse Kelly and Stella were on shift with everyone else. Kelly sat in his quarters staring through the door at the empty bunk Sadie would usually be sitting on.
Stella knocked on the door grabbing his attention, she walked in and sat on his bed.

"Any status on the hearing?"
She asked, seeing a flash of pain across his face, they still didn't know where or who Sadie was staying with.

"No, I called Carver and she still doesn't know."

Everyone else in the house could feel the difference when Sadie wasn't there. No one said it aloud, but she added a little bit of joy to their shifts.
Whether it was watching tv with Mouch, helping Gallo and Ritter cook, asking Herman for help with her homework even though he would give up halfway through because they had changed math so much he didn't know how to do it.

Ambulance 61 was dispatched to a call, Sylvie and Violet rushed out to the ambulance.
Arriving at the call it was someone having an allergic reaction, after administering a dose of epinephrine they transferred them to the hospital.

At the hospital Sadie sat in the cafeteria grabbing a snack and doing homework. She would normally be at Ms Anne's house, a family friend of Maggie's, after school but today she had an appointment with Dr. Charles so she was staying at the hospital until Maggie was done with her shift.

As she looked up she saw two familiar people walking back towards the ER with coffee cups in their hands.
She quickly got up and chased after them.

"Sylvie! Violet!"

They recognized the voice, turning and seeing Sadie running up to them.

Sylvie set her cup down on a nearby table as the young girl basically crashed into her, with the biggest hug she had ever had.
"How are you? What are you doing here?"

Sadie pulled away and gave Violet a hug as well.

"I had an appointment with Dr. Charles, and I'm hanging around til Maggie gets off shift."

"Maggie? Is that who you're staying with?"


"I will definitely let Severide and Kidd know, they've been so worried."

"Is Kelly ok?"

"He's hanging in there, Kidd has been a big help in that. Everyone at the house misses you too."

As the pair talked, Violet had an idea that she relayed to Sylvie.
Making their way back through the ER with Sadie in tow the two paramedics approached Maggie. She gave them a stern warning and instructions to bring her back before a certain time before she allowed Sadie to go with them.

Arriving back at the firehouse everyone was on the apparatus floor resetting their trucks from the call they had just got back from.
Sylvie and Violet quickly got out of the ambulance and shut all of the roll up doors, much to the confusion of everyone else.

"Brett, what the hell are you doin?"
Herman asked as everyone stared wondering the same thing.

They watched as Violet opened up the back of the ambulance allowing Sadie to step out.

Everyone on the floor converged on the teenager. She was met with hugs, high fives and she swatted away Mouches hand as he ruffled her hair.

Kelly and Stella came from inside the firehouse, seeing everyone crowded in one spot, excitedly chatting.
Gallo saw them and reached into the crowd of people, grabbing Sadie's hand pulling her forward.

The three of them stood there staring at one another for a moment before Kelly stepped forward picking her up in a hug.
She could feel him holding back a sob, as she laid her head on his shoulder, her arms wrapped around him. She didn't want to let go.
He set her back on her feet, looking down at her with his hands on her shoulders.

"I don't understand. How are you here?"

"Sylvie and Violet kidnapped me, with Maggie's permission of course."

"Maggie? From the hospital? Is that who you've been with?"

"Yeah, she stepped up as a foster before that Carver lady could place me with some rando."

Stella stepped forward hugging Sadie

"We're just so glad you're ok. We've missed you kiddo."

"I miss y'all too. Maggie's great, but I want to come home."

"You will, we promise."

A moment later the Chiefs gruff voice cut through the excited chatter.


She pulled away from Stella looking over at him.

"We've missed you."
He smiled, then looked to everyone
"And if anyone asks, we have not seen her."
Boden knew the situation and what could happen if it went wrong.

"Seen who Chief?"

Mouch asked before everyone broke into a laugh.

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