Sadie Quinn

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"So what are you gonna do Herman?"

Sadie asked as she sat at the table with Herman, Mouch, Kelly, Capp and Cruze playing poker.
Everyone else had already folded, Kelly watched his sister and she either had the winning hand or a really good poker face.

"I'll raise."

Herman said as he tossed two more chips in.
Sadie did the same.
He placed his cards down on the table face up

"Read'em and weep kid, full house!"

Sadie cocked an eyebrow and got a mischievous little grin on her face as she placed her cards on the table.

"Sorry Hermie, royal flush! Thanks for donating to my college fund!"

She giggled wrapping her hands around the pile of chips in the middle of the table as the guys laughed at the expression on Herman's face.

"Who taught you how to play poker?"
Herman asked half joking

"You did!"

In the midst of laughter there was a call from the radios.

"Ambo 61, Chicago Med request a check in."

Sylvie walked over to the teenager

"That's us Sades, time to go."

Sadie got a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach

She gathered her bag as Kelly and Stella followed them out to the ambulance. She turned to her brother with sad eyes.

"Sades, it's going to be ok."
He hugged her
"Just keep your head up, you'll be home soon enough."

She nodded, wiping a tear from her cheek as she went to hug Stella.

"Take care of Kelly ok? And yourself? No heroics til I'm home!"

"Of course sweetie."

Pulling away from Stella she made her way into the back of the ambulance.
She looked out the window and waved as they pulled away. Kelly wrapped an arm around Stella's waist as they both waved back with sad smiles on their faces.

Back at Maggie's house Sadie was freshly showered, sitting on her bed in PJs, her wet hair still in a towel.
Maggie knocked on the open door

"Hey, are you about ready for bed?"

"Yeah, I just need to brush my hair."

"Can I help?"

Sadie nodded as Maggie sat on the bed behind her, grabbing her brush.
She began to gently tease out the tangles

"So how did today go?"

"It was great, thank you for letting me go. I know you didn't have to."

"I can understand how hard it is being separated from loved ones, especially if the reason is bullshit."

Sadie giggled, she had never heard her curse before.

"What? It is! Have you been in the hospital three times? Yes. Have any of those been Severide's fault? No."

There was a moment of silence before Maggie spoke up again.

"And by the way Ms Carver called me today."

Sadie suddenly became nervous

"Yeah, she said she had stopped by the firehouse to talk to your brother about the hearing."


"Please tell me it was before you got there."

Sadie gave her a nervous laugh.
"I could say yes, but that would be a lie."

"Sadie Quinn! She showed up while you were there?!"

"She did...but she didn't see me!"

"Where were you?!"

"Hiding in Herman's Quarters."

Maggie just shook her head as she finished brushing Sadie's hair.

"Ok sweetie, time for bed."
Maggie kissed the top of her head as she made her way out of the bedroom.

Sadie nestled under her blankets, closing her eyes and imagining she was in her bunk at the firehouse until she fell asleep.

An Unexpected Family Reunion: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now