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"If I'm reading it correctly it's Sadie plus 4 other people."

Kelly told Trudy, staring at the picture of the piece of paper that was in the window, it was Sadie's handwriting.

"And the yellow?"
She asked

"Maybe she meant amber? Like the triage colors we use?"

Trudy nodded her head in understanding.
"So we got 5 in that room, with one injured?"

"Seems like it."
Trudy took this information with her, going back to the mobile command post.

Kelly started pacing, knowing Sadie was ok put his mind a bit more at ease, but he couldn't help thinking that what if she was the one who was amber?

Inside Sadie sat against the wall, she had broken out into a cold sweat and breathing was becoming harder.
Collin sat beside her

"You ok?"
He asked, watching her slowly lose her color.

"Yeah...can you promise me something?"

"What's that?"

"Don't let me go to sleep? Make sure I stay awake?"

"Sure thing"

Sadie took short breaths, it hurt to even do that. The pain was radiating through her whole torso now, it caused her vision to blur as she gritted her teeth.


Outside the Bomb Squad had finally arrived, they moved in. Disarming the bomb allowed SWAT to go inside the building.
They swept the school, finding the gunman dead from a self inflicted wound, they called it.

"All clear for rescue and medical personnel!"


When SWAT broke down the door it startled everyone in the classroom. They told them whoever could run to run, but Collin stayed with Sadie.

She was slumped over, resting on his shoulder.

"Sadie they're coming, Sadie?"

He gently patted the side of her face

"Huh?" She looked at him with groggy eyes

"Hey you gotta stay awake, help is coming, ok?"

She nodded, trying her hardest to keep her eyes open.

Everyone in 51 looked at their Chief as he ordered

"Go get our girl."

They ran into the school, Severide leading the way.
Running down the hallway he found the room Sadie was in, she was slumped against a young man around her age.


Kelly ran up to her, she slowly lifted her head, making out his form through blurred vision.


"Yeah, yeah I'm here."

She smirked , commenting
"Took you long enough."

The smirk faded as she fell into unconsciousness.

"Hey Sadie? Sades!? Stay with me!"
He scooped up his little sister and ran towards the front doors.
Making his way outside he ran towards ambulance 61.

Brett saw them coming and readied the gurney for her. Kelly gently set her down, and she went to work immediately.

Checking her over, Brett lifted the side of her hoodie revealing a makeshift bandage that was bleeding all the way through, removing it showed a gunshot wound.
"Oh god"
Kelly groaned
"Come on let's get her to med"

In the back of the ambulance Kelly watched as Brett worked diligently to care for Sadie.
"She's crashing....Severide, I need you to start cpr!"
She looked over and saw him staring blankly

Brett shook him by the shoulders.
"She needs you!"

He came out of his stupor and began pumping on his sisters chest

At the hospital they rushed her into the back, April holding him back with a hand

"We'll take care of her, Kelly, I promise."
She said before disappearing into the ER.

Taking a breath he felt like he had been holding since they got the call. He sat in a chair and did something he hadn't done in a long time. Prayed.

A while later 51 filled the waiting room waiting on a status. Stella holding Kelly, Brett nervously biting on her lower lip, Joe pacing in the back of the room.


Will walked over and sat beside him


"She's stable, she had some internal bleeding. We had to remove her spleen due to the damage of the bullet, which we were able to remove."

"So she's going to be ok?"

"Yes, she'll need sometime to recover of course, but yes she will be fine."

"Thanks Doc...can I go see her?"

"Of course."

Walking in the room the beeping of the heart monitor reminded Kelly that she was still alive.
Pulling a chair closer to the bed he sat down and took her small hand in his.

Her voice came out soft and weak.

"Yeah honey, I'm here."

She nodded her head as she fell back asleep.

An Unexpected Family Reunion: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now