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After school Collin walked Sadie to the firehouse finding Kelly and another woman standing outside, and they seemed to be waiting on Sadie.

"Um, I think the house tour might have to wait another day, Collin."

"Yeah, no worries. See you Monday."
He gave her a quick hug before walking away.

Walking up the apron she could see Kelly was smiling.

"Hey Sades!"

"Hey Kelly and....?"

She looked at the woman who was shorter than Kelly with long brown hair. Sadie knew she had never seen her before but she looked oddly familiar.

"Sadie...this is our sister, Katie."

There was a moment of silence before Sadie quickly moved in for a hug, on the verge of tears.
Katie stood stunned for a moment before hugging her little sister.

"Hi Sadie, it's so nice to finally meet you."

They hugged for a moment longer before Sadie finally pulled away, wiping a tear from her cheek, Katie did the same.

When they looked over to Kelly he was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Both Sadie and Katie asked at the same time.

"Until now, I never realized how much you two look like each other."

The three of them made their way inside, a chorus of "Katie!" rang out in the common room as she came in, and was bombarded with hugs.
Looking around the room Sadie noticed someone was missing, she walked up to her brother.

"Where's Stella?"

"She's upstairs in my quarters filling out incident reports from the call they had earlier. She's acting Lieutenant for this shift."

Sadie made her way upstairs while everyone was still excitedly chatting with Katie.

She found Stella where Kelly said, in his quarters. She was hunched over the desk writing. Sadie knocked on the door

"Excuse me, Lieutenant Kidd?"

Stella turned with a frown, but seeing Sadie made it turn into a smile.

"Hey did the test go?"

Stella had been helping her study for a big test she had in chemistry. Sadie reached in her bag and took out a paper with a wary expression, handing it to Stella.

"I've been too nervous to look."

Stella took the paper and studied it for a moment before looking at her with a blank expression.


Her heart sank, she had worked so hard and with Stella's help she thought she had it.

"You got an A!"

Stella stood up to give her a hug

"I'm so proud of you Kiddo."

"Thanks Stell, you helped."

The two of them made their way downstairs to find Kelly and Katie sitting at the long table.

"There you two are"
Kelly said as Sadie sat next to Katie and Stella took the spot beside him.

"Sadie got an A on her chemistry test!"
Stella told them excitedly. The pair congratulated their sister.

"So Katie, how long are you in town for?"
Sadie asked

"Just for the weekend this time. But me and Kelly here had an idea. Instead of you staying at the firehouse tonight we go back to the loft and have a girls night? And then tomorrow we can go do something together?"

Sadie smiled
"That sounds like a plan to me."

A while later the two sisters left to go back to the apartment. Kelly noticed an odd look on Stella's face.

"You ok babe?"
He asked

"Yeah, yeah I'm good. Sadie and Katie seem to get along well huh?'

"Yeah? Stella?
...Are you jealous?"

"No, I'm not jealous. They get to go have a nice girls night together as sisters and-"


She hung her head in frustration

"I'm sorry Kelly but it has taken me months to get the relationship I have with Sadie. And now Katie is here....its like they have that instant connection and I just-"

"-Stella Kidd. Sadie loves you, you know that."
Kelly wrapped his arms around his fiance.

"I know, she's just been through so much."

"Think of it this way. Sadie now has two strong women in her life to look up to. Two women to go to when she needs help. And you've been doing a pretty damn good job."

An Unexpected Family Reunion: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now