I Want To Go Home

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Two weeks later, it was Friday night and Dr. Halstead was talking about Kelly being able to go home Monday.

Kelly had gotten used to Sadie coming by every day after school, but made a point every evening that she either go home with Stella or go to the firehouse if she was on shift.

Today Stella was on shift, but he still hadn't seen Sadie.

Growing concerned he texted her

Kelly: Where are you?

Sadie: I'm going ice skating with some friends, Stella said it was ok.

Sadie had grown used to asking Stella permission for things, she felt bad that she didn't run it by Kelly.

Kelly: Ok, be careful. Love you.

Sadie: Always! Love you too.

Kelly turned on the tv, the Blackhawks were in the middle of a game.

Back at Firehouse 51, it had been a quiet evening. Sylvie was in the middle of a crossword puzzle when the announcement came over the house speakers.

"Ambulance 61, female down, possible broken arm. McCormick Tribune Plaza."

She and Violet loaded up and made their way to the scene.

Arriving there was a small crowd gathered around someone sitting on the ground, right outside the ice rink.

"Excuse us, let us through."

Sylvie pushed through the crowd, finding the female on the ground cradling her right arm.


"Oh uh...hi Sylvie!"

The paramedic kneeled down next to the small teenager, whose arm was numb at this point.

"What happened?"

"Well I was trying to ice skate, and I fell...."


Sylvie looked at her arm, her wrist was bent in such a way she knew it was broken.

"I grew up in Georgia, we don't have ice skating!"

Sylvie helped her onto the gurney as Violet held it steady.

"Come on, let's get to Med."

Arriving at the hospital, the first nurse to get to Sadie...was April.

"You know having one Severide in the hospital is enough."

April said as she entered the room

"You act like I did this on purpose....owwww!"

April gently pressed on her wrist, sending pain through her arm.

She called for xray who quickly arrived, and after seeing them Sadie's wrist was definitely broken.

Sylvie walked to Kelly's room, gently knocking on the door.

"Hey Brett! Did Stella tell you to check on me?"

He laughed, knowing it was something she would do.

"Ummm no actually, it's about Sadie."


"She's down in the ER. She might have broken her arm."

"Take me!"

Sylvie quickly helped him into a wheelchair and made their way downstairs.

Arriving at the room, the doctor was finishing casting Sadie's arm in a purple cast.

Sadie saw the pair arrive, she was on some good pain killers.

"Please don't be mad Kelly"

She mumbled, resting her head back on the bed.

"No honey, I'm not mad. I wanted to check on you."

"Well I tried ice skating, and apparently that didn't work out."

Her speech was slurred as she held up her casted arm.

He and Brett had to hold back a laugh.

"Where's my Mom? I want to go home."

An Unexpected Family Reunion: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now