Deep Breath

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The grey Mustang hit the water nose first and immediately began filling up with water.
After a few seconds, the shock of what happened wore off and Kelly went into firefighter mode.



"You ok?"

She was jerking on her seatbelt, trying to get it undone.

"Its stuck!"

Kelly undid his buckle and leaned over pressing the release button and yanking on it, it didnt release.
The front of the car tipped forward, the two windows completely underwater caused more to spill in.
Kelly instinctively reached to his waist for his knife, but he wasn't in his bunker gear there was no knife.

Sadie started to panic as water started to reach their chests.

"I got you ok? I'll get you out!"

Kelly felt around in his backseat, trying to find something, anything sharp to cut the seatbelt.
The water reached their chins

"Sadie when I say take the biggest breath can and hold it!"


A few seconds passed and the water was rising quick


They both took a breath as the car became completely submerged.
Kelly made his way back to Sadie as the driver's side window smashed. He continued to pull on the seatbelt, his vision was blurred underwater. He felt Sadie's hands on the seatbelt as well, trying to help.

All of a sudden something pulled on the back of his shirt, pulling him away. He reached for Sadie, locking his hands with hers. Another yank forced them apart, he was pulled through the water and to the surface.
As he came up he took a deep breath of fresh air.

"No! Sadie!"

He coughed as he tried to swim away, but was grabbed again.

"Sir they're going to get to her! Come with me!"
A familier voice yelled, keeping a firm grasp on his shirt and started dragging him towards the shore.

"Blevins! Let me go!"

He looked back at the man he has just pulled from the sinking car.

Scott Blevins was the Squad Lieutenant from Firehouse 98, he went to the Academy with Kelly.

"My sister is still in the car! Let me go!"

"Stephens' is in there! He'll get her! Come on!"

He swam to shore with Blevins, looking back not seeing Sadie or Stephens surface.
The paramedics came down and draped a blanket over his shoulders and tried to usher him away to the ambulance, but he wasnt going to go with them.

He stood on the shore, his eyes searching the water, waiting for Sadie to surface.
Another moment passed when finally the firefighter came to the surface of the water and began swimming to shore, pulling a body behind him.

Kelly choked out, realizing Sadie was the body.

The medics rushed over as they drug Sadie's limp body onto the shore, she wasn't breathing.
He stood behind them as they checked her

"There's a pulse, start compressions."

Kelly stood there numb as they pumped on her chest. It seemed like an eternity, but was really only a few seconds when Sadie started to cough up water and become conscious again. She took a deep breath as she opened her eyes, seeing everyone crowded around her.

"Kelly? Where's Kelly?"

He pushed through them, coming to her side.

"I'm here Sades, I'm right here."
She sat up and grabbed onto him as he wrapped his arms around her.
They sat like that until the medics brought up a gurney and placed Sadie on it.
Kelly held her hand as they both loaded into the ambulance.


They sat in the ER at Med, both in scrubs given to them by Maggie so they didnt have to sit around in wet clothes.

"What is it with you Severides and the hospital?"

April said as she stood in the doorway seeing Sadie on the bed with an oxygen line running under her nose and Kelly sitting in the chair beside her holding her hand.

"How else are we going to get to see you?"
Sadie laughed then coughed.

A few minutes later Stella came into the room, wrapping her arms around Kelly as she took a breath of relief.

"Are you two ok?"

"We're good babe."
Kelly said as he gave her a kiss.
She sat on the end of Sadie's bed and looked at the young girl.


"I'm good Stell...but I swear this city is trying to kill me!"

An Unexpected Family Reunion: Book 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora