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TW: None. (NO PHOTO BECAUSE WATTPAD ISN'T LETTING ME! There will be one once I am able to upload some! Don't worry!)

            After the bonfire, Ronnie says Emilie and I could stay another night. I crawl under the covers, getting in bed. I'm tired but can't find a way to sleep. I stare at the roof for a while before looking at the clock that reads, 2:54am. 'How have I been up for almost three hours? All I've done is stare at the roof.' I thought to myself.

After 5 minutes, I hear a faint knock on the door of the room I am in. I open it to see a slightly tall figure with long hair standing in the frame of the door.

"May I come in?" Jake whispers. I open the door further to let him in. He walks in and to the chair that he sat in earlier and sits in it. I sit on the bed after turning on the lights.

"Why are you here?" I ask, whispering.

"We need to talk Jenna."


"How shit everything has been lately."

"Jake, I don't want to talk about it right now." I look down, fiddling with my fingers and bouncing my leg, unintentionally. He moves to sit next to me on the bed. He looks me in the eyes and says.

"It will help with anxiety. I do it with Ronnie all the time." I nod and take a deep breath, getting ready to talk.

"Everything with my mom is getting to me, Sam told me he likes me and I told him I like someone else and all I know for a fact I hurt him. And whenever you look at me, all I see is hurt and sadness in your eyes. And I am so sorry if I hurt you. I never meant to." I ramble and start to cry. He pulls me into a hug and I cry on his shoulder.

"It's okay. And I am sorry." He whispers.

"You're sorry for what?" I ask looking up at him, confused, painted all over my face.

"I'm sorry for not believing you when you said you didn't like Sam." He says with a sincere look on his face, looking down at me.

"Why did you even care that much?" I ask, pulling away from his warm embrace.

"It doesn't matter right now." He says, obviously hiding something. I nod, not pushing any further. I yawn, leaning back on the bed, sighing,

Jake stands up and walks over to me, kissing my forehead like he always does when I stay the night. I smile, getting butterflies. He walks over to the door frame and stops before turning the light off and leaving.

"Goodnight," he mumbles something after he says goodnight, but I couldn't hear and I doze off once he turns the light off and closes the door.

The next day, I wake up to everyone banging pots and pans in the guest room. I groan and they stop but begin to laugh. I look at the time that reads 1:34pm. I roll out of bed and go downstairs and to the kitchen. Finding myself something to eat.

"Feeling better?" I hear Jake's voice ring through my ears. I nod, making myself a sandwich and he heads to a stool at the island and sitting down, playing on his phone.. I can feel the heat in my cheeks rising. I finish making myself a sandwich and grab a plate and bring my sandwich to the island and sit on the stool next to Jake, eating my sandwich. I tried so hard to get what had just happened when I got into the kitchen. I finish my sandwich and walk over to the sink and put my plate in the sink and walk upstairs to Ronnie's room. As I got up, I felt Jake's eyes on me until he couldn't see me anymore. I asked Ronnie for a swimsuit and asked Emilie and her if she wanted to join me in the pool. They agreed and we changed and grabbed out towels and headed outside by the pool.

About 15 minutes after just chilling by the pool with our shins in the water, the boys push us in. I scream until I get under the water. I come back from under the water and splash the boys and get out of the pool to push Jake in but as I do so just as he loses his balance, he grabs my hand to take me with him. I scream from it being unexpected. I come up from the water to see everyone laughing. I groan and splash Jake before the rest of the guys get in the water and it turns into a splash fight. Jake picks me up and tosses me. I screamed as I fully emerged under the water. I come up and tackle Jake. About 2 and a half hours after being in the pool, we decided to head inside. Me and Emilie stay outside to sunbathe. After about 40 minutes outside, I head inside and go to put normal clothes on. When I go to the room I stay in, there is an outfit folded on the bed from Ronnie. I change and find Ronnie and thank her. I decide to head back to my place but before I leave, I pack all my things and thank the boys but especially Jake. I leave and drive back to my house, parking the car and getting out. I walk up to my front door, unlocking it and walking in. I walk in and go immediately to my room flopping on my bed and sighing. I unpack before getting in the shower quickly.

I hop out of the shower and change. I blow dry my hair and put some mascara on before going to sit in my room, on my bed. I turn on my phone to see a text from Jake. That's weird. He normally never texts me.

Jake: Hey. Have anything on your mind you want to talk about again tonight?

He probably is doing this because of the shitty week I have had. He never is like this though. He has really changed since high school.

Me: Not at the moment. I would like to maybe talk tonight. But if anything does happen, I would definitely like to talk tonight.

I replied. I feel super tired so I decide to take a nap. I fall asleep at about 2:35pm and wake up at 5:30pm. I get up and go to my living room and put a movie on. Time flies by and the movie ends at 8:12pm. I haven't eaten all day so I grab a small snack and watch 2 movies. It's midnight almost 1 in the morning and I hear a knock at the door. I question why, completely forgetting Jake was coming. I open the door to see Jake standing there. I let him in.

"Hey." I say in a welcoming tone, smiling and he smiles back. 'God that smile" I think in my quiet empty head.

"Hi," He walks in and to the living room, after closing the door, locking it again and sitting on the couch next to him. "So anything you want to talk about?" He questioned. I nod.

"What am I going to do tomorrow in court and the police station?" I ask with worry. "Do I have to see my mom again?" I finish with fear dumped all over my body and I shift uncomfortably on the couch. He doesn't respond.

"I don't know if you will see her but I will go with you okay?" I nod. "Anything else? Because you look like there is something on your mind."

"Oh not at the moment. I just have been really zoning out and tired lately. I think it's just my anxiety from what happened when I ran into my mom." I admit. He nods. I know he wants to say something because he always bites his tongue when he wants to say something. When he bites his tongue, it's noticeable. "What about you? Got anything on your mind?" I question him.

"Yeah. I just don't feel like it's the time to say it." He says. I nod not pushing further. I start to overthink about what he meant by now not being the time. I bounce my leg without noticing. He puts his hand on my leg to stop bouncing. I feel my stomach completely fill with butterflies immediately. Warmth rushing to my cheeks making me blush. I try to hide it but it seems hard to contain it. I smile at him and my leg stops bouncing. He pulls away and gets up to get water.

My head starts to hurt as I get a headache. I don't tell him, not wanting him to know unless it gets worse. After the matter of a rough minute it gets worse as I put my hand to my head and groan. Jake turns his head to look at me and runs over.

"Are you alright Jenna?" He asks with worry all over his face. I nod.

"Just a headache. I don't know where it came from but a minute ago it just started to hurt but it wasn't that bad. But now it hurts so bad." I say. He nods and goes to get a small cloth and wets it slightly. He hands me it and I put it on my forehead and lean my head back. "Thank you." I think it might be from the lack of sleep I am doing. I don't know."

"Well you can go to bed. I will stay the night if that's okay with you? Just to make sure that you're okay the whole time." I nod and hand him some of his clothes he normally wears when he used to stay here. He goes to the washroom and changes. I change in my room and go to bed. I dozed off right as I laid down. But right before I do fall asleep, Jake kisses my forehead and whispers,

"Goodnight love." I smile once he leaves. 'Goodnight Jake' I think to myself, knowing that he thinks I am asleep.

UNEXPECTED • Jake KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now