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TW: Blood

I woke up the next morning with the familiar hangover. I walk downstairs to see Jake staring at me with hurt and anger in his eyes. I look at him confused but he storms off. I try to follow him and ask him what's wrong. He ignores me and continues walking away from me. I sigh and walk back inside and sit at the island in the kitchen.

"Danny." I ask as he is grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.


"Did I do something wrong? Because Jake is annoyed and pissed at me."

"Yeah. A big problem. I was the one that told him. You don't remember?"

"Remember what?" I am confused. He glares at me.

"You kissed Sam last night." He says, sounding irritated.

"I what?"My voice raising, sounding surprised. I wipe my lips multiple times. I run upstairs and into my room slamming the door and sliding down the door once it was shut. I break down in tears.

I hear a knock at the door after a while of me crying a pool of tears.

"Not now please." I say with my voice trembling.

"Okay. I'm sorry, I will come back later or come and tell me when you want to talk." Josh's voice was faint through the door and I heard his footsteps walking back downstairs.

'What had I done. Why did I always have to mess up? God am I that stupid?' I think to myself. I start sobbing again. 'I love Jake and I always have. So why would I do that? Did I get confused because of the hair and they look alike?' I think again, to myself. After an hour, I am laying on my bed, crying off and on. I hear another knock at the door.

"Not now, I am not in the mood to talk to or see anyone." I say, my voice weak. The door creaked open anyways. "I said not now." I am facing the wall.

"Look I am sorry about last night, but I honestly can't stop thinking about how upset you are." Josh's voice said in a whisper. After not hearing anything for almost two hours, it seemed like he was screaming in my ears. Being hungover and crying didn't help my headache and everything seemed so unreal at this point. He walked a little closer to me, sitting on the side of my bed, where my back is.

"Why would you be so sorry for someone who had cheated on your twin brother with your younger brother. I didn't even know it happened. I was too drunk to even remember anything last night. My throat hurts from all the crying, my head hurts from being so hungover and crying. Jake left without even saying a word to me. He probably didn't even breathe when he saw me." I rant, my voice still weak but started to tremble and started crying again. But this time silently. "You should probably go if Jake gets back and thinks I am having a thing with you too."

He continued to sit there, unsure what to say. I knew he was thinking because he always knows how to comfort people.

"He loves you Jenna. He really does. But he is hurt, super hurt." He says and I feel a sharp pain in my chest. I know my heart broke when he said that. I stood up and started to get pissed at him. Which is rare because I never get mad at Josh. Of all people, Josh.

"You think I don't feel hurt? I feel hurt because I know I hurt him and I know I messed up. He isn't just hurt Josh. He is pissed off at me because I kissed you fucking younger brother!" I yell, staring him in his eyes. "Explain why I have been sitting and laying here all day, crying. I hurt him. And it hurts so fucking much to see him hurt Josh. And I know I fucked up. I always fuck up and you always comfort me into thinking I don't but when really, I know you know that I am

a fuck up." I say, my voice quieting after that and sinking to the floor crying again. Josh stands up and just leaves. When he leaves, I cry more knowing I fucked up again.

UNEXPECTED • Jake KiszkaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum