Chapter 14 - SICK

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TW: throw up

I wake up with the smell of Jake's cologne filling my lungs. I turn to face the roof and feel light headed and my stomach empty. My stomach turns and I run straight to the washroom and sit by the toilet to see if I throw up. Soon after, Jake runs into the washroom and stares at me with worry.

"Are you okay Jenna? Why did you run to the washroom at 5 in the morning?"

I look at him and his face grows with worry. He walks over to me and sits next to me. I feel myself start to gag. I lean my head over the toilet and Jake pulls my hair back and rubs my back. I threw up for the next 3 hours about 7 times within that 3 hours. Jake fell asleep on the floor 30 minutes after he ran into the washroom. Josh and Danny have knocked on the door several times, asking if I was okay. Sam was awake but had been ignoring me.

After 2 hours Jake wakes up and goes to get food. He comes back and leaves after putting the food on the counter because I had refused it.

I finish throwing up at about 8am. I walk downstairs and to the living room, unable to eat. Jake stares at me and motions for me to sit next to him. I sit next to him and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Holy shit Jenna. You're super pale." Josh points out. Danny whips his head in my direction and Jake does the same thing but taking my head off his shoulder and holding his hand under my chin. He analyzed my face and worry painted his face which was just full of tiredness. He brings my head to lap and I lay there, staring at him from the angle I had. He looked at me after a while and smiled. I smile back at him thinking, 'how did I get so lucky? How is he so perfect? God I love him.' I smile a little harder  and look away and face the tv. He grabs my chin and turns me  to face him, his face being closer from where he was resetting it at.

"Why are you smiling so hard?" He asks and I feel myself start to blush.

"Just thinkin', that's all."

"And what are you thinking about?" He asks, curiosity filling his voice and raising an eyebrow as he questions me. I just giggle and turn my face to the tv again, leaving the curiosity to grow even more. I love when I leave him curious because when it is the only thing on his mind all he does is bug you until you tell him.

He takes my head and takes it out of his lap that he had previously let me lay on as a pillow. I pout and he laughs a little.

"No answer to my question and teasing me to leave me curious always causes consequences and you know that Jenna. You have done this your whole life." He says with a stern look.

"Bu-" I begin but was cut off,

"No buts." He says, closing his eyes and putting his hand up to stop me from finishing my sentence. I groan as he smiles again and puts his hand down, opening his eyes. When he opens his eyes, he meets my eyes with fake but hopefully believable sadden and hurt eyes. My head hurts from a massive headache and I feel my stomach turn.

"Jenna. Are you alright? You look even more pale." Danny asks. I run to the washroom and throw up again. God I hate being sick. Jake runs after me, holding my hair up and rubbing circles on my back to keep me calm from going upset because of the pain and of how upset my whole body felt. I feel a shock wave of cold run through my body. I shiver as I finish throwing up and standing up. I walk to the counter, washing my hands and brushing my teeth. I turn back to Jake and hug him tightly.

"I was thinking of how lucky I am and how perfect you were." I whisper in his ear with tears streaming down my face. My stomach hurt and felt empty and I just want to sleep and stay in bed while doing nothing all day. I wanted to eat because I was starving but I couldn't bring myself to eat. I normally don't eat for three days after being sick.

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