Chapter 26 - DREAMS IN GOLD

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TW: mention of throw up/throw up.

I awoke the next morning, feeling a slight bound in my head. I sigh as I completely forgot that we got drinks last night. I guess I had more than I remember because I am feeling very si-

I then get up, tripping on the blanket and running to the washroom before puking into the toilet. Jake and Danny then ran in almost immediately after, asking if I was okay. I throw up some more and Jake sits down beside me, holding my hair back and comforts me to the best of his abilities he can, as he was trying not to throw up either. Once I finished, I washed my mouth and Josh came in with the magical green liquid and Advil like when we reunited after many of years not seeing each other in person for years.

"Thank you," I said weakly and taking the two and downing them. Jake then started puking and I ran to his side, pulling his hair up and comforting the best I can, just like he had just done to me just a couple minutes ago. As he was just about to finish up, Josh was about to leave.

"Hey Josh?" I ask right before he leaves. He stops, nodding slightly with a questioned look on his face. "We're gonna need a second one of those." I say, pointing to the cup.

"Okay," he smiles and marching down the big but small hall.

"Thank you." I manage to get in before he walked off.

Jake finished puking just as Josh walked in, he handed it to Danny and he placed in on the counter, next to the Advil.

"Thanks big bro," Jake says weakly stopping what next he was going to say next

Jake rinses his mouth, then taking down the terribly gross pair. He akes a disgusted face and then we lock eyes and smile at each other. We then turn to Josh and Danny.

"So, what else where you going to Say?" Josh asks with an innocent smil, already knowing what was going to come out of his mouth next, Danny gives a questioning look at Jake causing me to know what was going to happen next. We always joke about it. It was nothing new.

"Even though you are older than me by five minutes, you still act like a child." Jake smirked, completely shocking the three of us. Danny and I laughed, while Josh rolled his eyes and walked off. Danny and I then high fived Jake as he joined in the laughing Danny and I.

"It's not that funny." Sam said, walking towards us, trying to fight back his smile, including his laugh.

"It was kinda funny." Josh said with a smile on his face, walking back and then Sam broke out into a small laughter that he was containing.

"It was actually very funny." Sam said through laughter and Josh joined in.

Once the laughter died down and Sam and his best friend walked to the living room like area on the bus, Josh went to walk back with them. He then turned on his heel and waked back to us, stopping Jake before he closed the door.

Josh pulled Jake into a hug and mumbles into his shoulder,

"I'm so glad you're my brother." He smiles and pulls away and I caught a glimpse of Jakes smile and then he turns to look at me before shutting the door.

I went and laid on the bed as they talked through the thin walls, slightly listening in on the conversation while going through Instagram looking at fans posts about how excited they are for tomorrow night, looking through some of their stories and looking at their outfits they made or bought for their shows. I smile to myself for how proud that my best friends have come.

What fully caught my attention, causing me to put my phone down. Was what I heard next from Josh.

"I don't how you got her to come but thank you so much. I'm sure we would all dread it if we all didn't have her here. Especially you. She would dread it too. You would both miss each other."

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