Chapter 30 - BIG MISTAKES

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TW: car crash.

It has been about 3 days at the hotel and now I have to go home. I went out  and got drunk for the most part but the boys were texting and calling non-stop. Yet still nothing from or about Jake.

Sighing, I start to slowly pack my bags after my warm shower and as I am about to walk out of the door, my phone rings. Half expecting it to be Jake since he's the main one to call me. But it was Emilie. I decided to let it go to voicemail. I didn't want to hear from anyone other than Jake. It's starting to upset me even more. I feel really bad because I really want to know why he is seeming so distant.

I put my phone on do not disturb while walking down the hall with my luggage and walking to the elevator doors. I pressed the button and waited for it to come up and when the doors opened I was not expecting to see what I was looking at. WHO I was standing there.

Jake looked at me before getting out and walking off to his room not looking at me again. I turn my head over my shoulder to look at him before walking on to the elevator and pressing the main floor button then signing out and heading home.

As I was driving, instead of going straight home I decided to go for a nice drive to a cliff to watch the sunset.

Watching the sunset gave me some time to revive myself and make me feel alive. But as soon as that was over, I got in the car and drove home.

As I was driving home, there was some random idiot speeding. I was at an intersection and he couldn't slow down in time when I was turning.

Everything went dark as the car impaled mine and a loud ringing was in my ears. My car then becomes hot and my head pounding as well as my arm that I broke a year ago.

I tried my best to crawl out but my sight was blurry and I was flipped upside down. As I was crawling out, I could feel the heat of a flame on my leg. I was stuck.

All I could do was freak out. I heard the sirens and some people rushed over to my car and the other car. They tried helping me out but I was really stuck. Streaming in pain as the heat kept getting worse and a sharp pain on my head from a huge headache. There were many cuts and I just know a lot of them are going to scar.

The fire went out after some firefighters and then some paramedics finally found a way to get me out. I was rushed into the ambulance so I couldn't see who was in the other car but I really hope they're okay.


I woke up to see everyone but Jake there. Instead of being in a singular room, there was someone next to me.  They were in a breathing mask, and a lot of wires. As soon as I saw the face, tears were making my vision blurry. I tried getting out of the hospital bed but I was in so much pain.

"Jenna. Don't move or you're going to be here longer." He sounded annoyed. Not sincere. I looked over at him. I looked at them all. Their faces were blank. I didn't know what they were thinking. I don't think I want to.

I look back over at Jake and cry silently. My head pounding, Hand and leg throbbing, both being in casts.

Shuffling came from Jake's bed, me hoping he was going to wake up but he never did. He was in a cast on his one arm, on one his leg and a thing around his neck. Many wires hooked up to him. I can't stand to see him like this. I feel really bad. Like really bad. If I had waited for his car to slow down or drive past, neither of us would be here.

God fucking damnnit. If I talked to him and asked if he was okay, we wouldn't be here.

Thinking back to Josh's words about being here longer made me want to feel more pain for doing this. It was my fault. I go to stand up to see scars on my legs and my left one in bandage wrap. I limped over to the door to go for a walk. As I go to open the door, someone grabs my wrist firmly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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