4- disgust

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4- disgust

Sana pov,

Today we had a board meeting. I arranged all the files on the table. Maya came towards me and whispered good morning. I smiled out.

She won't dominate me like a boss she values me like her elder sister. We used to be like a friend, and we are friends but getting in mess parted me away. I was in a hard situation where I can't say her about truth because she trusts her brother and I can't break her trust.

"Why you're looking dull nowadays?" She asked in concern. I smiled to avoid the answer.

"I asked a question, but why you're giving a toothpaste advertisement? I can feel that something is bothering you. Tell me, what is that? Everything ok uncle is fine?" She asked, holding my hand in assurance. I know she is the only human in my life who treats me with all respect and love and whom I trust upon, but my situation is inexpressible.

"I was sleepless. So, I'm tired. Don't worry. You had a presentation now, go, and prepare. I will arrange the files and projector," I said forcing a smile but seems she is not satisfied.

"Hmm, remember if you get any problem, I will be there for you. I might be younger than you, but my experience can sought it," She said hugging me. I'm so lucky to get such a friendly boss.

All the project managers and partners gathered in the conference hall. I took my seat in a corner to take notes, as always. She is so efficient and requests my feedback, and she considers it equal to partners.

"Sid is again late" Mr. Johnson yelled. He a discipline freak, and Sid is a spoiled brat. Both are a mismatch. After a while, he walked into the conference hall. Johnson signed him in anger. Sid occupied his chair and winked at me. I turned away, my face avoiding his disgusting looks.

Maya started her explanation. Everyone are involved in it. To my surprise, when his younger sister worked hard to put that project being a brother, he is playing games on his phone. He needs everything in life but can't earn anything on his own. He faked of change for me, but I realized that a person like him can never change.

Meeting has been concluded, and everyone appreciated Maya. He just gave the least care and walked back to his cabin.

I followed Maya and congratulated her. She smiled and walked to her cabin. I can see her unhappy.

"Are you alright?" I asked, sitting on the couch.

"No," she said holding her head.

"I just don't know what Sid wants to do. He doesn't like me, it's ok. I don't have any problem, but why can't he at least be serious in life. Why can't he work and help dad? You just saw right how irresponsible he is! Dad was so worried about him." She burst out her problem.

"Why not you talk to him directly?" I suggested.

"Seriously! He feels I'm dominating him," She cried.

"Try once more because... Hmm, I just checked your mail your credit card crossed its limits. I know how that happened, but Johnson? I know you don't even spend your salary then how can your card cross the dead limit," I raised a question, hoping her to realize her brother's missing funds. She grabbed her phone and checked it.

As soon as she read the credit card statement, she ran out of her cabin to his. I followed her behind and stopped near the door.

"I said you not to use my cards in pubs and clubs. I just hate it." She shrieked in anger. He got up from his chair with a smirk.

"I spend only there"

"Look, I'm talking like your sister. I will pay the bill it's not matters. But at least start working now. Dad is not liking it, bro"

"I said you million times, I'm not your brother. You don't know how to enjoy life so working in this hell, but I know how to enjoy my life. I was a born king, baby. You Nah, better date my friend Rick. He will teach you how to enjoy life!" He said carelessly.

"Useless! Keep your dirty thoughts with you. I'm not your sister then why using my cards. If you have guts, why not you borrow card from dad? Why can't you use all your cards?" Maya shouted in anger.

"Lower your tone or else" Sid warned her.

"Or else"

"I will disclose about your love relationship with our business partner, Jack. You just said in the meeting it will create a monopoly, but I guess that project is for your own benefit. Just think what will be your future if I tell dad that you're loving our competitor I.e. rivals son." He dropped a missile on my head. How can this happen? I hardly noticed it.

"Fine! We are just friends since childhood, don't think so much," Maya whispered, calming him.

"Oh, I really don't know that friends kiss on lips and romance in cars" He added.

"What you want now?" Maya snapped in anger.

"Nothing, Dad asked me to prepare a report. You prepare it for me and pay all my bills" He said with joy. Maya left in anger. I thought he only troubles me but seems he trouble everyone. I was about to walk away but a sudden pull dragged me to aside.

"S... Sirr" I stammered, seeing the monster hold in me.

"Wifey! I said to you not to provoke me. Why you always find ways to get my anger." He whispered, rubbing his finger on my forehead to neck and halted on my blouse as I held it.

"I... I di... Didn't do anything" I whispered in fears. I never know that I will be in such a deadly life. I just hate my life.

"Then why you got your boss here. As my wife, you should protect me. She just insulted your husband and you're just watching like a movie," He whispered licking my neck. I pushed him away in disgust.

"She said truth, she never insults anyone. It's you who don't deserve anyone!" I snapped.

"What the truth she said!!" He roared pulling my hair harshly. I screamed in pain. He pushed me on the floor. The hard marble trembled me.

"It's office, so I'm leaving you. I will meet you at your apartment night. Keep your doors open for me" He whispered, leaving me alone. I felt better hoping he left, but the thought of seeing his night scared me. I should do something to overcome my worst life.


I intentionally stayed late in the office to avoid him. It's 9 pm he might be enjoying with his friends in some club. I took the lift to my floor. It's a small building which has just 3 flats for the floor. My neighbors vacated the flat recently, and another went to another state on a vacation. So, I'm staying alone, as my dad had health issues to live in a city.

As my elevator door opened my eyes frozen seeing Sid sitting on the floor leaning on my door drinking beer. His eyes reached mine. He got up on his feet to reach me, but I clicked on the ground button. I prayed to God to save me at least once but seems even God wants to hurt me. The door opened wide as he placed his leg between the doors. He dragged me out of the elevator and harshly pushed on my door. I gasped in pain by his force. He choked my throat in anger. I struggled to get some air, but he never showed any mercy on my need. He left me on the floor after choking me to the edge of death.

"Dare you run away!! I will count 5 you should be on the bed or else I will have you right here cuffing you on this door." He roared. My body way numb by his previous choking.

"One" He started. I opened my bag and grabbed my keys in a hurry and ran inside. He walked in along with me and locked the main door. I left to my bedroom and sat on edge of my bed clutching on the sheet.

"I love it when you obey!" He chuckled, kissing me. I turned out to be a statue as he continued his assault. I was so tired from my work, and he is taking out his frustration on me. I was about to cry, but he moved away, giving me some space. I looked away, holding my tears.

"Go, I ordered pizza. Have a shower and eat pizza. I will return tomorrow." He said cupping my face.

"Lock the door," he said evacuating my flat suddenly leaving me in blissful amuse.

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