13- Real friend

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13- Real friend

Sid pov,

I was so tired of convincing her. I was so cool and thinking to sort out things between us, but she is not ready. Every time I step ahead, she messes things. I got in my car and dialed Rick to settle my mood. He picked up his phone with irritation.

"What's up, bro?"

"Meet me at the club!" I said starting my engine.

"No, I'm on charge. Let's meet evening" He groaned. Shit! Everyone are enjoying their life but me... Like a stupid left away!

My phone started vibrating in my hand it's Sam. I picked up the call.

"Hi, Sid!"

"After a long gap, you remembered me?" I muttered.

"Sorry, I told you right my sister getting married. I just got busy on it. If your free, can we meet today," he asked like studying my heart. I seriously want someone to forget her.

"Club?" I asked.

"Hmm, can we handout at my home. My family is out on shopping to another state, and they will not return until tomorrow night," Sam suggested, that sounds good.

"Ok, I will be in a while" I hung up the call and drove his home.

It's a small duplex house in a decent community. Sam is not rich like me, Rick. He belongs to a higher middle-class family, but accidentally we got friends. He sounds like my dad sometimes, but he is innocent and a complete family man. He always gives peace advice to avoid the fight and our relation went at stake after he found that I cheated on Sana because of bet, but he returned knowing I married her.

"Hi" I hugged him, patting his back. He smiled. We locked the main door and left upstairs to the penthouse.

"Why you're so pale?" He asked, looking at my dull face.

"Nothing, all because of Sana... She is just"

"What she did?"

"Crying!! Shouting!! Mocking! I just hate it"

"Can I ask a question?" He whispered forwarding a coke cane.


"You hate her right! You hate her because she slapped you? Is it so?"

"Yes, but now I don't have ego about it. I want to make things work well"

"Well? How? By forcing yourself on her?" He uttered making me angry.

"I'm sorry, but the truth is same. Forget about all. Your revenge ended up breaking her heart. You got everything then why you married her without her consent. Getting physical may not need love in your case, but for her? Marriage is not a big deal for you, but for her? Ok, you married her according to your wish, but you forced yourself on her. It's just an act of showing your anger, frustration. But for her, it's her broken heart, snatched dignity. For a single slap, you ruined her life by wounding her heart, but the things you did slapped her dignity, her self-respect. How many times you might slap her? How many times you may have forced her? But did she take any revenge on you? She is so close to Maya, but ever uttered one word about your ill behavior? She was crying because she lost her life in the flames of your so-called revenge. You killed her! You're right in your place, but just one second you think from her place. Someone broken her heart and then forcibly married and forced himself, again and again, treating you like a thing!! She is human too, has all feelings like us. She loved you truly, bro, but you ditched her. Even after knowing your playboy nature, she trusted you, but you gave her pain every second. Does she really deserve it? Tell me what crime she did to get punished like this? No girl in this universe deserves it! I have seen her as my sister bro, but today my one sister is suffering under you. I'm not able to stay happy looking at my other sister's wedding. I was scared thinking what if my brother-in-law tortures her like you! Don't do it Sid, please," His words stabbed my heart. But the things she did halted my heart from accepting it.

"She is not innocent like your sister! She slept with that Noah! I loved me why will she do it!! She just loved my money!" I roared, crashing the coke tin.

"Did you see? Did you see her sleeping with Noah? About money, how much you gave her till today? You know she can now drag you to court and get 50% of her share and file a criminal case on you, but she?"

I was speechless hearing him.

"But we have seen it in that party romancing and I found his watch on her bed"

"You ditched her and expect her to cry entire life. She has the right to move on and she moved on, but about that watch maybe accidentally he left long ago. You ask her to solve the issue, but every time showing your beast shade is not correct!"

"Do you think she will listen if I am normal? Only my anger controls her"

"You know what your problem is! You're comparing her to the girls whom you drawled around, but the fact is she is not!! She is a Wifey material like your mother. Think yourself, what she did, and what you gifted her? If you feel it's justified, then go on flow or else change yourself," Sam said. I don't know, I was feeling it's right! But... My ego was not letting me.

His phone ring got me out of my thoughts. He attended the call and got up from the couch.

"Some items of the event came on delivery now; I should get them in the storeroom. You take rest I will be back in a while," he said leaving me alone. I lied on the bed looking at the ceiling surfing in the past.

I had broken her heart, but later on, I badly missed her company. I never thought that someone could affect me so much. I started losing interest in my daily activities of flirting around. I always wanted her presence in my life. I tried to clear our terms by offering her friendship, but she denied it on my face. I felt she takes time to accept, but within a few days; she showed with Noah in a pub. I never expected an introvert turn off. She never joined me to any club, but with him, she was dancing. I crashed glass in my hand, hurting myself. I composed my heart and walked out. But when I returned, I saw them kissing. She is not the girl whom I know means she faked to be naïve, but the truth is she is same as other girls.

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