18- Confront

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18- Confront

"I never thought this would happen. I warned him not to touch my sister, but that idiot!! How disgusting that was? How can I ever face her? Ahh! She is seeing me like a speck of dirt now!" He screamed in anger, clutching the sterling wheel.

"Anyway, I was on time, or else she would have never forgiven me. I guessed right to have a look at Rick. His stupidity ruined my image," He scolded himself. He stopped his car near the club.

"You did enough, go and enjoy in your club!" Maya's tears echoed in his ears. He drove to his office as he doesn't have the courage to face Sana as well.

Next morning,

Sid was sleepless, struggling in his cabin rewinding the things that happened the previous night. His eyes were red with sleeplessness.

As the clock strikes 10 am all the staff arrived. Sana has seen Sid in his cabin but ignored it. Maya reached the office late at 10.30. All the employees were surprised to see her arriving late for the first time in her career of three years.

All wished her good morning, but she signed walking to her cabin ignoring all, which shocked everyone more. The smile on her face vanished overnight.

Sana entered her cabin with a smile to cheer her up. She knows the feeling what Maya is struggling with. She felt more pain than her.

"Hey! Today your blazer is a mismatch!! Is it a new fashion?" Sana chuckled to cheer her.

Maya seriously looked at herself. Sana laughed, looking at her.

"Hmm, can you tell me today's schedule?" Maya whispered, opening her laptop. Sana was surprised by her question.

"You had 3 meetings today. Elite CEO has an appointment in thirty minutes," Sana said.

"Ok, take these documents and give them to Sid if he comes to the office."

"Sid? What is this?"

"Property papers!" Maya stated gazing at her laptop screen. She opened the papered and seen everything transferred to Sid's Name.

"You can't do it! You have equal rights like him." Sana argued.

"I don't want rights. I want peace of mind. He feels so secured getting what he wants."

"But you know he will ruin everything!" Sana argued.

"Please, I can't handle it. You know... I can't bear that hate. I can't face this kind of situations. I want a happy life. He always hunts me, abuses me, and yesterday he just sold me." Maya cried in a broken tone. She was never like this before. She acted so strong even with so much pain, but today she is broken by her brother.

"Maya, please don't cry. Everything will be fine." Sana whispered, comforting her. Maya wiped her tears and faked a smile.

"Give him this and tell him not to come in front of me," She said. Sana took the papers and left to his cabin.

"Sid, look what I got!" Sana chuckled excitedly, shocking him.

"What" He muttered, rubbing his eyes.

"You don't believe it! Maya wrote her shares in your name. Your dream came true. You're the owner of Johnson group." She expressed with joy indirectly taunting him.


"Yes, you already have 30% and Maya added 50% officially you own 80% of Johnson group. The balance 20% your dad will give you anyhow."

"Are you out of your mind? Just leave!"

"What happened hubby, this is what you wanted, right? And you got it. It's time to celebrate." Sana chuckled, pulling his cheeks.

"No!! I don't want this." He shouted in anger, pushing out things on his desk. Sana got frightened seeing his anger.

"Then what you want? Her destruction or her on your friend's bed." She muttered, folding her hands. Sid was grossed out of hearing her words.

"Why you are also talking like her? I saved her, right!" He shouted in frustration.

"But you only trapped her before! You sold your sister to your friend. If that Rick asks me, you might have sold me also. "

"Cut the crap!!" He roared, grabbing her by shoulders.

"Even you roar, the truth cannot be faded away." She said in a strong tone.

"I never want to do that. It's Rick who did it!"

"Then what you did with me? You did worse than your friend! Do you have an answer for that?" She shrieked, passing daggers from her eyes. Hearing her, his hands left her free.

"Don't have an answer, right!" She muttered.

"It's all your mistake. You don't need to flirt with that, Noah! If you really loved me, you would have stayed loyal for me, but you just throw yourself on him." He shouted like mad.

"Why should I love you? Did you love me ever? Did you loved me ever?" She shouted, grabbing his collar.

"Yes, I loved you. But my ego never let me accept it. I made a delay to win my bet. I felt to tell you everything and marry you, but you just moved on without thinking about me."

"When you know I moved on why you got that marriage in middle. You planned to trap me prior, so you got those photos and my signatures." She yelled in tears.

"I got those photos to win my bet. I did nothing to you that night because I love you. I want your consent after telling the truth. Seeing your anger, I got scared you will leave me. I felt marriage will lock you, so I got your signatures secretly."

"Where your love gone when I cried and begged you to leave me!! Where your love gone when I cried for mercy! Where your love gone when you brutally forced yourself every time like an animal!!" She scoffed in anger, dragging his collar in tears. Sid was speechless hearing her.

"You destroyed everything and everyone in your selfish motive. When Rick is wrong in Maya. Your wrong too. At least he didn't fake love and had bet on feelings and emotions. You played with my feelings, with my love, and with my soul too. The wounds which you made are deeper than you can see." She cried falling on the floor in crying holding his legs.

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