42- Argument

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42- Argument

Author pov,

"I know you got angry, but I seriously don't want you anymore. What you get by chasing me? Lily likes you, Sid. Once you failed in seeing my love, don't repeat the same mistake. I should leave now, Noah must be waiting for me." she said walking out leaving him in amuse, but in seconds he dragged her in his tight embrace.

"Sid!! Let me go" she screamed and kicked to get out of his grip. He ignored her struggle and dragged her to the basement and locked the door, dumping her in dim lights.

"Are you mad? Let me go or else I will sue you." She shouted in anger. He walked around with a smirk and turned on the lights.

As the lights turned on, she gained her consciousness. She noticed herself sitting on the round leather bed. The messy basement was looking like a secret luxurious dungeon.

"What was this place?" She muttered, looking at the walls filled with their happy posters and photo frames hanging on.

"My Palace for us, I love you so much, Sana," He shouted like a crazy lover.

"But I hate you!!" She screamed in anger.

"I don't care it," he scoffed.

She rushed to the door to run out, but he dragged her back and pushed her on the bed.

"I don't want you out this night!!" He shouted in anger.

"What the hell is this, Sid! Don't be mad! Let me go!" She screamed, kicking her legs. He pinned her hands above while hovering over her.

"Get off me you dog!" She screamed slapping him.

He smashed his lips on hers furiously, pulling her head. She slapped his face away.

He pinned her on the bed and sealed her lips once more. The kiss was deeper and passionate. She kicked her legs and pushed him hard but lost her battle under his force.

"Want to kick me still?" He smirked breaking the kiss. She raised her hand to slap him again, but he held it frame.

"Your every slap will be written off with my kiss! If your ready then hit me, baby!" He chuckled shamelessly. She yanked her hands away from him.

"Come on, hit me!" He smiled taking her hand in his and slapped himself playfully. "Shall I kiss you now!" He laughed.

"Stop it, Sid! Not again!" She screamed at him with tears.

"Even I don't want to, but you're making me. I don't want you to sleep with that, Noah! Your only mine!" He wailed frustrated harshly pressing her on the mattress with his weight. She signed upset looking at his possession.

"That my life. I will do anything with anyone. You don't have any right to question me! Let me go!" She scoffed pushing him.

"But you are my life, Sana. I can't let you go," He shouted back with tears.

"Sid, please. I'm tired, let's end it." She sobbed.

"Then leave that Noah. I hate him. You don't need to forgive me, but just don't stay with Noah. I will do anything in return"

"Really anything!!" She asked pushing him away.

"Yes, anything" He smiled wiping off his sweat.

"Then marry Lily" She dropped a missile on his head.


"Yes, I want you to marry her." She added looking into his eyes.

"You can't tell me that, I don't love her. I love you, Sana!" He cried clutching her shoulders.

"Then don't tell me 'What to do!' I like Noah and I can even marry him. It's my life. When you can't obey my request, you don't have the right to ask me anything." She yelled in frustration.

"Don't wake the monster again! Just kick that Noah out of your home." He screeched pulling her arm.

"It's hurting!" She cried at his tight grip. His anger substituted seeing her tears that broken his heart.

"It's hurting me too, Sana. I know you love me, and I even know it's hard to forgive my mistake, but trust me, I promise to give you all happiness. Please, return to me. Please!! Marry me," He begged falling on his knees.

Her eyes faded and with a sudden brain stroke. She collapsed on the floor, holding her heavy head.

He held her in his arms before she hit the floor. It shocked him seeing her state.

"Baby! What happened?" He shouted in panic seeing her losing consciousness.

"Gettt my tablets in myyy bagg" She murmured holding his shirt. He placed her on the bed and rushed to her cabin.

Within a minute he returned with her bag. Uncovering a capsule, he made her have it with water. She fell in deep sleep equals to unconsciousness scaring him.

"Sana! Wake up!" He cried seeing her unconscious.

"Doctor!! I should call the doctor!!" He shouted trying to find his phone, but he couldn't find it as he left his phone in his cabin. He found her phone in her bag.

With the help of her finger, he unlocked her phone and search her contacts to find some doctor's number. Looking at the number of her psychologist as Dr. Sofia.

"Hi, Sana, how are you?" Doctor asked answering his call.

"Doctor, My Sana... Sana fainted can you please come?" He cried.

"Yes, sure, tell me address"

"I'm sharing location please come fast!!" He said hanging the call.

The doctor reached the place. He met her in the parking lot and guided her to the basement where Sana is sleeping. She looked confused seeing him walking to the basement.

"Where is she?" Doctor asked to confirm.

He opened the door for the doctor. She was so surprised to see the room, which wiped out her confusion.

She moved to check her as he stood beside the bed.

"Is she alright? What happened to her?" He asked worriedly.

"You should tell me. Did she fight with anyone or you?" The doctor's question confused him.

"Yes, little but!!"

"She got minor brain stroke, which caused by anxiety, excited or upset. By the way, who are you?" She asked looking at the photos hanging on.

"Sid, I love her, I want to marry her, but she is not ready to accept me," He whispered.

"Do you know her mental state? Or her health complications?"

Sid was shocked hearing her.

"No, tell me what happened? Is she alright?" He whimpered.

"No, she is not. She is suffering from depression because of some past incidents. That's not easy for her to forget and might be that was the reason for rejecting your marriage proposal. She needs mental rest, I.e. peace of mind." Doctor concluded.

"Do you know her past?" He asked instantly.

"No, she just told me, it's an effect of a bad relationship. As a doctor, I shouldn't disclose her information, but looking at you I feel it's safe and needed. She held that pain inside her and which lead to serious depression. This stroke is just starting for serious health issues. Before asking her about marriage, try to give her some comfort to open up with you at least. It can help her in healing. Keep her away from stress and don't get into arguments. She should have a completely healthy and happy environment."

"Ok, doctor"

"She may not wake up for two hours. Use the same tablets and in case of next stroke join her in my clinic. Here is my card." She instructed before leaving the place.

"Her pain is because of me. I want to heal her, but I can't see her with Noah. What should I do to gift her happiness? I want to take away all her pain, but how!" He whispered cupping her face with tears.

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