26- Messy

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26- Messy

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Sana is translating Sid's presentation in French to the clients about the project.
At the point of negotiation, he got frustrated with repeated complaints and stormed out of the conference hall after smacking the laptop shut.

"Sid!" Mr. Johnson showed at his rude behaviour, but Sid left, ignoring him.

"Sorry, sir" She made an excuse and ran behind Sid.

"Sid! Sid stop!" She ran behind and held his wrist.

"Look, I was not a street seller that there are pouring silly advice about my work."
"But they are our buyers"

"So, what! Should I beg them to buy my service?" He scoffed in anger, getting the attention of his employees. All are watching him in shock.

"Sorry, guys. Please carry on with work." She forced a smile as he walked to his cabin, ignoring all. She followed him inside the cabin.

"Ok, don't sell. I will not force you, but at least tell it with a smile."

"Why should I? Is that monkey my wife to tell everything with smile and love!" He complained like a kid.

"Hush!" She stepped closer to him and pulled him in a hug, rubbing his back calmed his anger.

"If you show anger, people will go away from you. They get scared to talk with you. They ignore you, but if your calm everyone will come to you with a smile." She whispered, hugging him.

He has broken the hug and glared with disbelief.

"Remember, my mom used to tell me that whatever you give, we get the same in return. Not just me. Talk with everyone calm and you get the reply as you desired." She said cupping his face. He just looked into her eyes.

"Before buying your bike, you asked all features and brought the one of your budgets. Today they are asking the same. They want your project by adding some features which they need, and they are paying for it. Fulfilling the need of our client gives us goodwill and profit. If they don't like your project, why will they come from Germany to meet us? They loved your work but want some more features like a discount. Negotiation may help you boost your skills. Think of it once," She convicted him with love and walked out giving him space.
Johnson was getting irked by the clients. He felt locked between his son's stupid arrogance and the client's complaint. It's like a gunpoint to his reputation. He started regretting his decision of allocating the project to Sid.

Soon Sana returned to the conference hall. She spoke so calmly and convincingly with the clients and assured them a perfect deal. In meantime, Sid embarked with a confident smile. She smiled assuring him.

"I'm sorry for being rude. I was not as talented as Mr. Johnson or Maya. My work experience is less, and this was my first big project. I felt I gave my best, but I'm wrong, I guess. I should accept my failure. I apologize for the inconvenience. If you please spare me some time, I will make changes to this project. Or else please wait one week Mrs. Maya will present a new project." He said in a polite tone melting their anger.

A sorry maybe a small word, but sometimes it saves lives from getting messed up by egos.

Johnson and Sana are amused by hearing his apology.

"No, we liked your project. It's so impressive, but a few more features can make it extremely great. We liked your innovative ideas. If you're ready to negotiate we can wait as much as you want." The clients said with a smile.

"Really, are you ready to finish this deal?" Johnson asked in disbelief.

"Yes, of course!" They shook their hands with Sid.

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