38- Faceoff

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38- Faceoff

Sid pov,

I love you so much, baby. I can't let you go off easily. I believe strongly you love me too but moved away in anger. I know how to get back my lost love. I know how to get you back. I want you back in my life, even you are with any other man. I can't let you go.
This time I will make things tight to get the right hold on you. I should hide my emotions inside my heart.

My dad's entry distracted my thoughts.

"Hey, Sid! How is your day!" He asked with a smile walking into my room.

"That's best" I smiled.

"Wow, your happy finally! I heard that your dating lily, is it true?" He asked rolling his eyes at me. I shouldn't tell him about Sana. It may disappoint him, it's better to hide the truth until I get back my love.

"Yeah, dad!"

"Happy for you, my son, and! I got you the best birthday gift" He smiled showing me a black Ziplock file. It's looking like something familiar.

"But my birthday has one more week?" I asked doubtfully scanning the file.

"Advance, son. See this" He gave me the file.
As I flipped through the papers one by one, it resembled my personal project. No!! It's my business plan. In the end, it was signed and stamped as approved.

"Dad!!" I cried excited.

"Yes, it's approved. I'm going to finance it and you will be its managing director." He announced, patting my shoulder.

"Seriously! You are going to invest 50millions trusting me?" I asked unbelievably excited.

"You deserve this chance. Your plan is wonderful, and I have full faith in you."

"But funds?"

"A few days ago, Sana gave me an idea to have more return and less expenses. I got a loan on behalf of the Johnson group and will transfer the same to you. It will be an investment for the Johnson group and debt for your new firm. In this way, we both get a tax exemption." Yeah, she is so smart in business. She made me a businessman in two months. If she is in my life forever, I will be a billionaire for sure.

"Thank you, dad" I hugged him.

"Now start your work. I want you to inaugurate your new office on your birthday." He wished.

"Yeah, sure dad. Good night," I wished.

"Good night"

This was my best night. I found my girl's address. I'm going to meet her soon. I slept peacefully after a long time.
I woke up excited with a bundle of ideas to reach her. Making the best choice is hard because I can't hurt her but should mold her by pouring some heat.

I got the blueprint of light Automobiles I.e., the firm which she is working on. I made a deal with that MD to buy the firm and change it to my startup.

Diverting Maya on a German project, I laid my path to take charge as the new managing director of Light Automobiles within three days.

I was so excited to meet her. I travelled the whole night to reach the office. I didn't check in any hotel but went straight to the office.
Looking at the bright glass 10 stored building, a proud smile captured my face. This was mine. I invested double then I estimated for my office and the soul reason is her. The security glared at me suspiciously but feared to question me seeing my Porsche and my classic suit. How can they be aware of the change in management within two days?

I smiled at my excitement and walked to the guards.

"I'm the new boss of this office. Here is my access card," I said showing them my card.

"Sorry, sir" They apologized opening the gate for me. I parked my car and entered the office.

I settled in my cabin after getting fresh in the restroom. I was so excited to see her expression after finding me as her new boss.

The clock crossed nine and nearing 10... A knock on my door halted my heart from beating.

"May I come in, Mam!" Her sweet tone I heard by me from the half-opened door.

"Yes, come in" I chuckled. She entered the cabin and got shocked by watching me. The notepad in her hand dropped down.

"Welcome to the hell, Mrs. Sana Sid!" I chuckled with a smirk.

"What are you doing here?" She stammered in fear yet strong.

"I just came to check on you, my sweet, sexy wife!" I smiled walking to her.

"S... Stopp there!! I will call security!" She shouted moving away from me, but I ignored her pleadings and pinned her to the wall. Her fear started appearing in form of her sweat. Her chest was heavy with a fast heartbeat.

"I love this fear in you. It's been a long time. Nice show, baby!" I smiled rubbing her forehead with my finger. She pushed me back in anger.

"What are you doing here?" She shouted.
"I'm the new MD of light automobiles and your new boss," I announced, examining her face. She felt upset by hearing the truth.

"Don't lie" She argued. I walked to my table and showed her our agreement papers.

"Fine, I'm resigning!" She declared, pulling the door to leave.

"You can't sweetheart because..."

"Don't you dare blackmail me again!! I will tell your truth to everyone," She shouted in tears. I don't want to see them.

"Hush! Who is blackmailing here? You signed an agreement of one year here, but it's just six months over. As per your work contract, you can resign after six months. I was not blackmailing you, I just explained you and it's up to you to decide. It's you who is blackmailing getting our past here. I'm not interested in hurting you. It will be better if you cooperate like my employee." I explained in my calm tone.

"I don't want to work under you!" She spat in anger and stormed out of my cabin. This girl always does the same, can't she accept when I explain her peacefully. She loves war now watch it.

I followed her to her cabin. She is typing her resignation letter on her laptop standing near her table.

Examining my surrounding I took my chance and hugged her from behind wrapping my hands around her waist. She gasped at my sudden grip. I closed her scream with my palm. She feels so soft and smells delicious, like a flower.

"If you shout, it will be awkward for both" I whispered in her ear, removing my hand. She tried to kick me with her elbow, but I saved myself by taking her palm in mine.

"You feel so irresistible for me even today, but you may not like getting in my arms again." I whispered, moving her hand on her shirt. She freed herself with a jerk and glared in anger. I chuckled at her anger.

"I brought this office along with employees because I want to set up my own company. You can't resign because this will smash your entire career. Don't touch my ego or else I will smash yours!!" I warned holding back my rage.

"You will never change this disgusting attitude!!" She scoffed in disgust.

"Yeah, that's me... I always show everything directly. Either it's lust or love, I'm not so expert like you to fake love and move on easily." I shouted pushing her away.

"It's you who fooled me!" She yelled.

"I didn't confess, it doesn't mean I faked. But whatever we are at the same point and our balance is tally. Seems you want to start again!! Or are you scared of falling for me again!!" I laughed poking her.

"Never!!" She argued.

"Then why you're running like a coward? Are you scared of me?" I added more fuel to raise her ego, only that makes her stay longer.

"I hate you!!" She shrieked looking at me. I just smiled at her words.

"Hate me more, but you should respect me here. I'm your new boss, call me sir! I know you can't work under me for long. I will fire you soon," I teased.

"I will wait to get fired then!"

"It's not easy, baby. I have a rule book will gift you tomorrow. Now clear your mess and get me past records of inventory"

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