23- long drive

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23- long drive

Sana was working in her cabin with full focus when Sid stormed in excitedly.

"Baby, I had something to show you!" He chuckled, pulling her from her chair.

"What! And don't shout someone will hear us," she whispered, maintaining distance.

"Let it be, we will make it official soon. I had a surprise. Please come with me!" He pouted like a baby.

"Where? I had a lot of work."

"Take half-day leave like me. Please, it's important!" He requested holding her hand.
She took a half-day leave and drove out to meet him at the end of the street.

"Let's go home first," He said, shocking her.

"Home??" She muttered in horror of getting all weird thoughts.

"Yes, we should park your bike then we will go to a place in a cab," He smiled reducing her fear.

"What surprise?"

"I cannot disclose surprise!" He smiled. She drove him home and parked her bike and got a cab.

The cab stopped in front of a mall. He got out and opened the door for her like a gentleman.

"Mall?" She asked in surprise.

"Bhai, please wait ten minutes. We will be back" He instructed the cab driver and walked inside the mall taking her hand. He guided her to the female clothing store.

"As I'm working from the past 2 months, I had some savings, so I want to buy a gift for you. You can shop here and as you always wanted, I will pay money which I own my budget is 5000," He said with a smile. She was speechless seeing his unbelievable changeover. He remembered her every word and changed himself to be her perfect husband.

"Go shop! I had one more surprise," He snickered, taking her to the counter. She selected a saree for herself worth 2k and shopped a Jeans and a shirt for him and saved 1k, which she returned to him.

"I thought you will make an overdraft," He laughed.

"No, I purchase as per quality and durability not as fancy." She smiled.

"You brought two dresses with just 4k, how?" He asked in surprise, looking at her two packed shopping bags.

"It's possible because the quality is important than brand, now let's go"

They took their cab and finally it stopped in front of a bike showroom. He paid for the driver and entered the Showroom. The sales manager greeted them with a smile.

"Hey, is my bike ready?" He asked him.

"You're buying a new bike?" She asked in surprise. He just nodded, talking with the manager.

"But you had a sports bike worth lakh. You just brought it a few months ago!" She asked in disappointment.

"Get those papers, I will take delivery now," He said the manager and turned to her.

"I sold it at 90% value to my friend and transferred that to the company's account last week. My dad's money so I afforded that, but it's no use because you will not come with me on that as it's not mine. This bike costs just 1.5l but with my hard work, you will come on this right? Will you!" He confessed shocking her. She was speechless hearing him.

"I'm sorry, I should get a car, but we are planning to move aboard and maintaining a car takes so much cost. If bike I can manage EMI and have some savings to settle in a new country. I don't have anyone who trusts me, so I want you to start my bike. I want to gift you my everything." He smiled, giving her bike keys.

He signed the papers, and she turned on his bike, wishing him all success.

"Will you come on a long drive now?" He asked with a lovely smile. She felt so happy seeing his change and accepted his request. They went on a long drive.

As they drove out of the city. She was enjoying the sweet sunset wrapping her hands around his waist. As they passed by a white Benz, a pair of eyes caught them. It's none other than Mr. Johnson I.e., father of Sid.

As they enjoyed their evening drive forgetting the world it turned into night filling the highway with darkness and the clouds passed thunderstorms.

"It may rain, we should reach home," she said looking at the dark clouded sky ready to shower rain.

"Ok but I'm hungry shall we have some food in this Dhaba?" He asked, parking his bike aside.

"You will eat here?" She asked in surprise.

"Yes, I heard from Sam that food will be tasty here," He added, licking his lip.

"Great, let's try"

Both had a great dinner filling their tummies with delicious desi food, sharing their happiness in form of talks.

But some unusual glares from few people sitting opposite to them distracted their moment. They continuously checking her. He found their intention and tried as much as to cover her from their lusty gaze, which is realized by her. They silently completed their dinner. She made an excuse to use the washroom and left. He called the server and paid the check, glaring at the guys. One of them got up and walked in the same direction of washrooms.

He slowly followed him, and he exactly stopped near her door to check her that's it his anger reached the peak. Sana opened her door at the same time and was shocked to see that stranger standing so closer to the door. Her eyes automatically searched for Sid, and she felt relieved seeing him standing a few steps away with anger.

"You wait near the bill counter. I will be in a while," He said in a calm tone.


"I want to use the washroom, baby" he smiled. She left him hearing his answer, embarrassed about her silly question.

"Hey, you red jacket!" He called the guy who checked his wife.


"I found you check out my girl, did you?" He asked to confirm.

"Oh hero, yes! She is sexy even in churidar" The guy chuckled licking his lips. Sid punched his nose in anger and twisted his hand, making him cry in pain.

"She is my wife, only I should check on her. I feel to pluck your eyeballs but leaving you as it's your first mistake," He scoffed, pushing him on the floor.

"I will see your end. You messed with the wrong person." He shouted in any
er, rubbing his sore arm. Sid laughed, looking at him.

"Once upon a time, I was the same idiot. Girls are beautiful creatures in this universe and beauty should be admired but should not be stolen or destroyed. Glad you had someone to support your bad, but I don't have any except her. If I can't protect her, my life is worthless. Look, bro, you can try a girl but shouldn't make her uncomfortable. I'm telling you by experience. I punched you because she felt bad by your gestures and if you have anger reach me out with your gang but never look at my girl." He said giving his card and left. Sana, who is standing hiding beside the wall, heard his every word.

She reached the counter before him and behaved normally.

"Shall we leave, baby!" He asked, showing his hand. She thought for a second and held his palm, wrapping her finger around it with a smile. As they drove few miles, the storm started drenching them with heavy drops of rain.

Long night continuous 😉

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