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His pride and ego came into his way and he could not bring himself to request to stay any longer in her abode. But deep down, somewhere in his heart he wished he could stay longer. Deep down, he desired to prove to her he was not a lustful god.

She piqued his curiosity. Her bluntness and her courage to stand for what she believed in set her apart from the rest of the people he had meet. In this world, many people even the gods themselves did not have their own voice. In fear of others and their desire to blend in with the rest, everyone seemed to have lost their individuality and uniqueness.

Nonetheless, his newfound interest in her did not meant it had patched the wound she had inflicted on his ego and pride. He still bore an inkling of grudge against her because of her accusation towards him. He refused to believe he was a lustful god. It was very hard for a person full of himself to come to terms with his own wrongs.

Apollo let out a sigh and turned his gaze away from the abode and got onto his horse.

There was so much to think about yet he had to returned to Olympus and informed his father of his mistress' wellbeing. He wondered how the situation was in Olympus. Hera was always known to cause a havoc each time her husband indulged in infidelity.

" Apollo. " Hermes called out for his half brother on seeing him.

The said prince stepped down from his horse and turned his full attention to his brother.

" So you are indeed having an affair with a mortal. "

Apollo just shook his head in response, appearing tired. "No, it's father. I must say I am surprised by his choice of woman this time."

The teal eyed prince tilted his head in confusion. What was very surprising about their father's new mistress? Their father had always engaged in an affair with extremely attractive woman — be it goddess or mortals. There was nothing surprising about it.

"Not only is she plain looking, but she has the audacity to accuse me of being a lustful god. " Apollo stated, noticing his brother's curious look.

"Plain looking?" Hermes repeated. "Are you sure? " It was quite strange for any godsin general, especially Zeus, to be attracted to an average looking woman.

"Why don't you check it out yourself? I am heading to meet father to inform him about her wellbeing." The blond prince answered to which the other god agreed with a nod and the two set out for their father's palace.

Hermes was also another illegitimate son of Zeus born out of wedlock. It was this simple thing which bonded him with Apollo. Their birth aligned them together and made them float in the same boat. Like all gods, the teal eyed god had his own share of immoral ways he pursuit which made him no different from the rest.

Soon the two prince found their father looking down at the mortal world from the top of his balcony. The sun god stepped forward. "Father."

The said man turned to face his son. He had a disappointed look on his visage. "Apollo, where have you been?"

The question confused the prince. He raised his brow. "Father, I have been with your mistress like you have asked me to. "

Zeus brows creased together. "How is it possible? I have been watching over her since yesterday and did not see you appear infront of her."

"You said I would find her near the pond by the forest. So I waited for her in there. I had even spend a night at her abode, father." Apollo confessed. Zeus turned to glance down at the mortal world.

"Are you sure, Apollo?" Zeus inquired.

"Yes, father. Why would I lie? I had gone to the mortal world just for that to begin with."

' would he had ended up with a wrong person? He could possibly not lie to me.' the king of the gods pondered. He side eyed his son. "Hmm...was it this lady you saw nearby the pond?" He asked, pointing down. Apollo stepped forward to stare down at the woman from above.

The woman his eyes landed on was not Y/n. Rather, it was an attractive looking woman dressed in silk and donned in golden jewelleries. The woman he had been was not only average looking but was not from a high status in the society. So he had been with the wrong person all this time.

"This was not the woman I met in the designated place." He answered, surprised written all over his visage. He could not deny the woman he saw now was extremely mesmerizing. Worthy of catching any gods' attention.

' so all this time I have been with the wrong person... I can't believe it. ' his surprise soon turned to pure anger. He had wasted his time on a mortal who had insulted him on his very face — even though she was not aware he was the god she was talking about.

Zeus let out a sigh. He placed his hand on his son's back and patted him, noticing his sudden change in his mood. "It is fine. Your presence in the mortal world somehow gave the impression we desired to Hera."

Hermes turned his attention from the mortal woman to Apollo. Observing his half brother visage, he certainly could tell Apollo was not in his best mood. Now, the question was would he cause harm to whoever mortal woman it was who had accused him of being a lustful god.

' why do I wish to meet this mortal?'

' why do I wish to meet this mortal?'

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