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"You must love me

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"You must love me." Hermes growled. His teal hues gleaming with insanity. He took a firm step forward, for her to simply back off. Sweat pooled up on her temple and her hand trembled as she tried to hold onto the door knob while her e/c eyes stared at him in horror. Her legs felt numb; like it would give up anytime; and her heart was on her mouth.

"Yo-you are crazy." She stuttered out.

"Is it?" He asked, stepping closer. "Then you are to blame. Now you better take responsibility for it." He reached out his hand to grab her arms but she dodged it by moving aside, annoying the god further with her action.

"Don't you dare touch me." She warned, her gaze hardened.

He erupted in a chuckle, making him appear more derange than he already look. As he was busy laughing to his heart content, she took the opportunity to grab the long iron rod placed against the wall close to the door and hid it behind her back. She knew escaping into her abode would not save her from this lunatic.

Her only hope was Apollo. Only he could hide her away in his arms.

"How ador—." Hermes looked down. However, before he could even finish his sentence or react, the h/c swing the iron rod at his head with all the strength she could garner. Blood drip down his temple while he stood in pure shock.

He had never thought she could do such a thing to him.

Meanwhile, the iron rod slipped from her hand and fell to the ground with a loud clattering sound. The blood dripping down his face evoked guilt in her heart and she found herself almost rushed to him to check him up as if she wasn't the one who had swing the iron rod at him. She paused for a second and soon turned around to ran off. She couldn't hear anything but the loud thumping of her heart as she ran with all her might, soon to trip and fall on the concrete ground. And that was finally when she broke into tears. Everything that had happened downed on her like a crushing weight.

"Why!!?" She sobbed hard. "Why...?"

It was foolish to break down into tears and mourn over what had happened now, when Hermes could catch her any moment. But what could she do? She was a human after all with emotions. She just couldn't find the strength to gather herself once again. She had been pushing away her emotions aside for far too long. She had been shouldering the crushing weight far too long.

As she sobbed, completely consumed with grief, a hand was placed on her head.

She stopped mourning.

Her eyes trailed up to meet the bloodied face of Hermes, gazing down at her with concern. Her breath halted.

"Let's get you home and treat your wounds." He said and picked her up in his strong arms with ease. He acted as if nothing had happened. As if he was not just attacked by her. He didn't even look a tiny bit angry. Instead he seemed calm and collected. Was this the calm before the storm?

He gazed down at her. "Don't try to run away from me again, love. You know, what I am capable of." His lips curved up in a smile and his eyes creased. "If I am willing to kill all my past lovers just for you to bat an eye at me, don't think I'll hesitate to harm Sandra if you try to escape again."

"And how could I forget my dearest brother, Apollo whom you truly love. I will kill him."


Apollo stopped in his track when he saw the trails of blood on the doorstep and the iron rod stained with blood on the ground.

"Y/n..." he mumbled out, his head snapped up and he stormed into her house. His heart thumping against his chest.

"Y/n!!" He called out for her. His eyes desperately in search of her. He needed to see her right now. He needed to make sure she was okay. But she was nowhere to be found in the house. He immediately rushed to Sandra's house when she was nowhere to be found in and around her house.

"Sandra, it's y/n here?" He asked, his face pale with fear and concern.

"No." She answered, her heart growing concern. The look in Apollo face was enough for her to grow anxious. "Why?"

"Hermes..." he mumbled out. Hermes could be the only person behind her disappearance without a doubt. He turned to leave. He needed to do something soon before a tragedy befall on the woman he truly love.

"Apollo!!" Sandra called after him but he was too deep in his thought to stop and answer her questions. He quickly ascended to Olympus. There was one person who could help him find y/n. And it was none other than the gods of gods, his very own father , Zeus.

"Father..." he called out as soon as he stepped inside his chamber where he found the king of gods, looking out of the window.

"Apollo, what brings you here?" Zeus asked as he turned to his son with a pleased look in his countenance. Seeing from the look on his son face, he could deduce the golden haired prince had come to him with a motive in mind.

"Father, you promised me you would give me anything I ask for the assistance I provided last time." He reminded him, his voice was firm.

"Yes, I did. So have you decided on what to wish for."


"Tell me what it is and it is yours."

"I want y/n who is in the possession of Hermes right now."

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