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Apollo walked the h/c lady to her abode like he always did before

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Apollo walked the h/c lady to her abode like he always did before.

"Won't you come in?" The said woman asked her as she stared up at him, her soul yearning to be in his presence more. Though her heart beat for the teal eyed god.

He smiled at her. "I would love to. But I have some important business to attend to." He felt his heart tug with guilt as she saw the disappointment in her serene e/c eyes. "I promise, I will stay longer next time. We can have our little reading session too." Her eyes brightened up at the mention of their reading session. It made his heart melt to see her eyes lit up like a child who had been told Santa Claus would come to pay her a visit on the night of Christmas Eve.

"Okay. But you promised, don't forget."

His eyes soften and he gaze at her with a tender look on his handsome features. "Yes. I won't forget, y/n." He then bid her farewell and parted on his way. He wished to stay back and spent more time with her. However, there was something more important which needed his attention. And that was Hermes.

He needed to have a talk with his half brother.


Hermes stopped in his steps when he came upon the rows of flowers, the sun god always gifted the h/c woman. She had loved those flowers enough to even keep it as a bookmark in between the pages of the books she owned. He was unaware the books were gifted to her by his brother. The e/c lady had kept it hidden from him, afraid he might ask her to get rid of it like the flowers Apollo gifted her if he came to know about it.

He glared down at the flowers swaying in a beautiful dance with the soft breeze. What was so special about these black roses?

"Hermes." The familiar voice of his brother called out from behind.

Just the person he needed to face when he was having a hard time. He tore his gaze from the flowers and turned back to see the approaching image of the sun god. His usual calm golden hues showed a hint of rage.

"Apollo, it's been so long since we last met—"

"What in the world did you do to y/n?" He cut in, his voice held an infuriated undertone. "Didn't you say you love her?"

The teal eyed god seemed to be taken aback with the sudden accusations hurled towards him. But the bigger question which troubled him was how did his brother knew of his falling apart with y/n. Didn't he walked out of her life as the h/c didn't give him another chance? The only conclusion he could come to was. The sun god has kept an eye on the h/c even after being kicked out of her life.

"I didn't do anything wrong." He responded. "And I love her more than you can imagine." He glared at him. "Who are you to judge my love for her, Apollo? You are no longer a part of her life. And so I believe, have no right to have a say." He stated firmly.

'Don't he know y/n have forgiven me?' Apollo asked himself. It had been a couple of weeks since they had reunited. Had y/n kept him in the dark? But why?

"I am sorry. I failed to turn up that day."

"I am really so sorry, I hurt you. If I had known it hurt you so much, I wouldn't have been so selfish. I am sorry I have been selfish. I only thought of myself."

"I love him very much, Apollo. But it feel like I'm losing myself doing so."

"Is it worth losing ourselves over love?"

His eyes widened. Could it be?

"Were you the reason why y/n failed to turn up that day?" Apollo spoke out, the dots connecting in his mind. She had kept such a big news that she was engaged with Hermes a secret from him. The fidgety demeanour of hers whenever they met like she was scared someone might catch her meeting up with him. And how she had insisted on meeting up outside of her abode for the past couple of weeks until this evening.

"What do you mean?" The teal eyed man questioned back. In the back of his mind, he knew what the sun god was implying but he choose to fanned an act of ignorance.

"Did you stop y/n from meeting up with me on that day? Persuade her to not forgive me." His voice dropped an octave lower with each word. His golden hues alluded to the tranquility before a storm in a sea.

A still silence filled the air.

"Answer me, Hermes! Did you or did you not dissuade her to forgive me?"

𝗜𝗡𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗔𝗕𝗟𝗘 [𝘼𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙭𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧]    Where stories live. Discover now