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"Can I hold you in my arms just once, y/n?"

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"Can I hold you in my arms just once, y/n?"

Her eyes widened at his request. "Uh..." she found herself at a lost of words.

"Can I?" He asked, his eyes overflowed with millions of emotions, she could not bring herself to understand. However, for some strange reasons she could not refuse him and she allowed him to envelop her in his warm arms just once.

She felt warm and complete in his arms. She felt safe and secure and unconsciously she leaned into his embrace, sucking in the warmth and comfort it had to offer.

"Thank you." He whispered, his head rested on top of hers. "Thank you so much for forgiving me." He tightened his embrace on her. "I thought I will never see you again." His words made her feel more guilty. In her fear of not upsetting her lover, she had let him hurt on.

That was not her.

She had always being someone who stood her grounds and stood for what she thought was right in her heart.

"I am really so sorry, I hurt you." She apologised, her voice drenched in guilt. "If I had known it hurt you so much, I wouldn't have been so selfish. I am sorry I have been selfish. I only thought of myself." She had only thought about her and Hermes and how not to upset him. And in her selfishness to keep her lover pleased, she had ended up hurting another who was precious to her.

"You don't need to apologise. I was the one in the wrong. I am happy enough to know you've forgiven me, y/n."


"Belen..." y/n called out, surprised to see him waiting for her outside her door. He had a bouquet in his hand while he leaned against the wall, patiently awaiting her. She felt relief to have not invited Apollo over to catch up.

"Love..." a bright smile erupt in his lips, when he saw her.

She walked up to him. "What are you doing here? Outside the door?"

He wrapped his arms around her waist. "Am I not allowed to met my soon to be wife?"

"I didn't mean it in that way..."

"Or is it that you are conspiring against me behind my back?" Her blood run cold as he uttered those words. The fact that she had gone against him behind his back by forgiving Apollo, scared her to the core. She couldn't bring herself to picture how upset he will be if he learn about it. She did intend to reveal it to him sooner that she had run into Apollo and how she had ended up forgiving him. However, now that she was in his presence she could not even imagine to talk about it.

"I am just bluffing." Hermes stated with a chuckle when he notice she appeared rather upset. "Did I upset you?" He asked, he peered down at her.


"I am sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, my love." He let go of her waist and presented the bouquet of flowers to her. "Please forgive me."

Y/n stared down at the bouquet. She really wasn't upset. It was just what she had done against his back that made her react that way in response to his words. "Thank you." She accepted the flowers. "And it's okay. You don't need to apologise, Belen."

She didn't know how she was going to bring herself to tell him he had forgiven Apollo and he was a dear friend of hers again.

Gosh!!! She had not even told Apollo she was betrothed to Belen. Nor that it was because of Belen, she had ended up not turning up that day. She did not want to strain their relationship more and make it worse. It was quite evident, Belen did not fancy the sun god. While nothing could be said for Apollo as he had not shown any distaste towards the teal eyed man.

She felt trapped.

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