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"Y/n, what is even happening?" Sandra asked, the moment she lead her friend inside her chamber

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"Y/n, what is even happening?" Sandra asked, the moment she lead her friend inside her chamber.

"What do you mean?" The h/c coloured woman replied, her brows slightly furrowed.

The sandy eyed lady stared at her in disbelief. How could she not know? Was she playing dumb? She sat down beside her acquaintance. "How could you agree to marry Belen?"

Y/n blink her eyes. "Because I love him, Sandra." Sandra eyes widened to the size of saucers. It felt like she had been just run over by a speeding carriage.

"You love him?" Her mouth open to close. "Y/n, you love Apollo. Didn't you?" She took her hands in hers. "What even happened when you went to meet him that day?" Sandra was sure, her friend love the sun god. It had been very evident. From the flicker of excitement in her eyes whenever the said man was to visit her, the flowers which had always decorated her chamber, the tea leaves she bought specially for him when he was to visit her even though she did not like the taste of it, the books he had gifted him which she treasure so much as to placed them on a box. The glow in her face whenever she was with him, the faint smile in her lips reaching her eyes, and the extra effort she gave in grooming herself unconsciously.

The bangles he gave her which she would wear every single day which she still wore now .

"I don't know what you are talking about, Sandra." Y/n answered. "And I did not went to meet him." She look away. "You know, I despise the gods. So why would I love him?"

"Y/n... you were dying to forgive him just a few days back. How can you say you hate him? Didn't you claim he has change and you wish to forgive him?"

"I was but then I change my mind. I never love him though." She look up at Sandra. For some odd reasons, the look in her eyes did not settle well with Sandra. There was this love sick look in her eyes, almost like she was under some spell. "I love Belen. He has always being there for me and I wish to spend the rest of my life with him. As for Apollo, I do not wish to do anything with him. Like Belen said our friendship was build on false grounds and it's better if I let him go. Moreover, he is a god and cannot be trusted. How can I believe he has change over these months? Can he really give up onhis ways he has been living with for centuries on end?"

She repeated the questions Belen had put forth before her. Of course, she felt no romantic feeling for Apollo after being struck by cupid arrow. But that didn't change the friendship she had with him.

Sandra stared at her friend in silence. She did not know what to say. How did she even change her mind so suddenly just because Belen told her so? "Y/n, is this your choice or Belen?" The said woman turn to look at her. Sandra took hold of her wrists and raise it before her eyes. "You are still wearing the bangles he gifted you. So how could you say you hate him? Let's say, you love Belen and you don't love Apollo. Let's just say my assumption was wrong. But you did consider him to be a dear friend of yours, didn't you?"

Y/n pulled her hands away from Sandra. She stared down at the bangles, the memories flashing in her mind.

'These bangles?'

'Don't you like it?' Apollo had asked, tilting his head. A small smile in his handsome visage. Those were the bangles she had been eyeing as she had passed by the streets a few days back when they met up.

'No, I love it.' Without even knowing, her lips curled up in the brightest smile. The warm fuzzy feeling in her heart returning back.

What was the warm fuzzy feeling she felt in her heart back then? Her brows creased slightly.

"I simply forgot I have it on." She replied, she had worn the bangles on the moment she had got off the bed as it was customary to do so. Her hands had went for it by themselves. It was almost like an involuntary action.

"Look! Y/n." Sandra look at her friend, her sandy hues brimming with concern. "I just don't want you to regret later on." She placed her hand on her shoulder. "I am your best friend and I have known you since we were kids. I wish nothing but the best for you. So I don't want you to make haste decision which you would later regret upon."

Y/n remained quiet. She felt lost at the moment.

"You should pend your marriage with Belen for a while." Those words caught her full attention and she look up at Sandra with almost a look of disbelief in her visage.

"Are you saying I don't truly love him? That my decision to marry him is too haste and I would regret upon it later on?" Her voice sounded hurt. She thought Sandra would be happy for her marriage. She had always wished for her to find a good man to marry after all. And Belen was a nice man. He was caring, kind and most importantly, he love her dearly.

"I didn't mean that, y/n." Sandra refuted. "What I mean to say is..." She paused. She did not know how to put it out to her as not to hurt her sentiments. "I don't mean to say you don't love Belen truly neither you will regret marrying him. What I just want to tell you is to take some time and think over everything? About Apollo?"

"Wouldn't you want him in your wedding too? He is your dear friend after all." Sandra knew it was the only way she could persuade her to think over the matter. If she were to put it any other way, y/n would think it otherwise and might even pushed her away seeing how insistent she was that she love Belen. "And I believe he would love to be included in your special day. See, I don't know whether he has change but what I know is he has been nothing but nice to you. He could have hurt you when you had spoke ill of him not knowing he was a god but he didn't and he was a good friend all this time."

"So don't you think he deserve at least a second chance, y/n?"

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