II: Maybe, She's Cute

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Her hand was soft and I didn't noticed I am still holding it until we reached an eyewear shop.

"Sorry about this... And that" I showed her broken glass that I picked up a while ago and pointed at her face. "Pick one. I'll pay in exchange for this" I said as we enter.

She's avoiding my gaze and like thinking whether to accept my offer. "You don't really have to.." she mumbled.

"No it's fine, I caused this so come on" I insisted and asked one of the ladies there to assist her and she didn't have a choice when a woman approached her, started suggesting of what to choose.

After some time, she came back with a simple black framed. 'she look smart with it' I thought and noticed that she feels something when the glass bumps on the part where she's punched.

"You don't have to pay... It's quite expensive and I don't know you" she spoke shyly, looking down.

"Then... I'm Shin Ryujin and it's really fine." I spoke as we went on the cashier to pay. "Did you just transfer? I haven't seen you in school"

"Ahm... I'm finding my way to school... I'm still not familiar here" her voice is so low that if I won't focus on her, I would miss everything.

"Oh, you just moved here? With family or..?" We went out the shop and planning to go treat her wound.

"Alone." She answered shortly and like hesitant to talk but ended up doing so. "I'm supposed to be at school. Can.. can you come with me?" She glanced at me but quickly reatreated when I looked.

"Just go tomorrow, they'll let you slide since you're new" I said, glancing at her as we walk.

Until we reached a convenience store.

I directly went to the food section and grabbed some boiled eggs and ramen. Then to the drinks section to grab some soda. Looking at her beside me, I noticed that she's peeking at the snacks section so without any words, I went there and grab those that she keeps her eyes on. Not letting that small smile unnoticed.

I payed and sat down on of the the vacant tables, pulling her beside me and immediately took off her glasses, rolling the egg on her face. "Just like this.... So it won't look too bad tomorrow" I said as I observe her features.

"I--I can do it" she stuttered and took the egg from my hold.

"Yeah... Wait here I'll just cook these" I spoke as I went to prepare our ramen and coming back to our seat, she's already devouring two snacks at the same time. "Hey easy.. you can take home the others"

She seems shy when she eyed me and slowly munch the chips, dropping her hand down for a minute.

"Let's eat and we can go home after" I said as I placed the ramen on her side along with the chopsticks and soda, moving the opened chips aside but feeling her eyes still fixed on it. "You can eat these later" I chuckled, amused with how she treat such bags of chips.

While we eat, I can still that she's bothered and keeps on glancing on me. I halted on eating my ramen to look at her. "Do you have a problem? Ask it before I think that you're crushing on me cause I know I'm attr--" but I was cutted off when she shook her head.

'Am I not attractive?' I questioned myself, a bit offended.

"Why.. why aren't you in school?" She asked before holding the cup of ramen up, slurping the soup until its last drop that I found adorable. She really looks shy, but not infront of foods.

"It's not fun there... I know you know that" I said truthfully, emptying my cup.

She hummed. "But it's needed"

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