XXVIII: Specially Made For You.

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After that little beach trip, we came back to our own houses which means... I'm alone and got nothing else to do aside from doing something specially for her.

Last year, for her birthday, I missed it so I can't let this year slide with a simple gift. But still.. I don't know her preference when it comes to gifts but I'd like to give something sentimental and she could look back after many years.

Since I came back here, I've been sleepless. Just imagining what will be her reaction, whether she'll really like it or act like she likes it.

I've never put too much effort in a gift like this before so it's making me nervous, but it's for her so... Make it the best.

And after a week, it's done. I've put it in a paper bag along with a short letter exclusive to her eyes only. I just want to let her know that... I'm thankful for everything about her and enduring my mood swings that was secretly caused by her also.

I hid it in my drawer in case she'll show herself suddenly. Then I was about to sleep, finally planning to have a long rest, when my phone rang and it's my Mom.

I waited for her to speak but since she's still silent, I decided to greet her first. "Hello, Mom?... How are things going there?".

It took her a couple of seconds before she finally spoke. "Ryujin... We miss you. Don't you have a plan to visit us here?". She said and her voice sounds like she just cried but I shrugged it off, she always cry whenever she'll talk to me.

"Don't you plan to visit me here?" I replied and smiled. I'm really not expecting anything, like they'll suddenly tell me that they're on their way here. I also wouldn't want them to force their schedules just to go back here, so I'm just kidding with what I said.

"We- we still can't... But you can" she plead and I kind of didn't like how she said it. "You can visit us here and spend the remaining vacation. And if you'd like, continue your school here".

"What?.." I was a bit shocked with the sudden topic about transferring school there since they never asked me to do something I don't like, aside from visiting them, I like the idea of seeing them again but not by going there. "You know Mom that I won't transfer and I'll graduate here".

"Yeah yeah sorry... But if you'd think about it. You can go to greater universities here and it would be better for your photography.. you love it right?" She explained, sounding so excited

"But I can be successful here, I know I can" I said even though it's most likely that I'll inherit the company since I'm older than Yuna and my Father is also the elder Shin.

"Okay, we won't force you. We love you, you know that right?" I know she really understands and they never force me to something I want but bringing this topic is kind of odd. "But consider it as one of your choices". She followed.

"Yes Mom but where's Dad?" I asked, I haven't heard his voice like the way they argue on who should I spoke first.

"He- he's sleeping and I'll cook now. Bye.. eat well and take care of yourself. Tell us if you need something. Advanced Happy Birthday. Love you.." she said and I giggled.

"Thanks Mom. Love you too.. take care, Tell Dad I said Hi" and right after I said it, she dropped the call.

I sighed and rolled to my side on this bed. I really can't move there, especially now that I have greater reasons to stay.

Really don't have any plan to do for my birthday tomorrow but I guess I'll treat myself to something delicious and buy some clothes for myself.

With that being settled, I slept with a smile on my face as I started to imagine her face.
Just like what I had planned, I got new clothes and spent a lot of money on my meals but it's fine. Sometimes, it's good to treat yourself for doing a great job and I'm doing excellent at school so... I receive rewards from my parents.

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