XXVII: Excellent Job At Hiding.

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From them on, I chose to enjoy our time together and let her be happy with him. I managed to build my courage to join every lunch, join the fun and teasings. If he makes her heart happy then go, I'll be here waiting for her at the end of the day.

There are times during lunch that Yeji will sit between me and that guy. Ofcourse I'll pay attention and listen when our friends share their stories or what happened in their class, but I'll choose to be quiet and finish my food first then wait for the others.

I never felt left out even though I never spoke on what happened during class since Lia and Chaer already did, but also, I have this person who will join me and stay quiet the whole time. She'll cling her arm on mine and rest her head on my shoulder while she laughs and listen to our friends, and talk to him who will be in all smiles while looking at her.

That runs until the end of semester, I managed to get through it. Finally, he'll leave for vacation and I'll have her for myself only.

He didn't do anything bad to me and just being his usual friendly, cool some type of guy but I never liked him. Maybe he killed me in our past lives or something like that, that's why I don't like seeing him.

So for the first month of vacation, we planned to hang out and just visit places we have never been. But unluckly to me, he tag along that's why I barely have the chance to even sit beside her, unless she'll pull me with her and that's when will be the closest we can get for the whole day.

Sometimes when they are walking ahead, Yeon will 'unintentionally' grab Yeji's hand and unclasped afterwards, giving those apologetic look but she'll just smile and say it's fine.

'Shesshhh what if I'll pull her hand with me and hold it tightly? Or in a sudden hug? Or just go back home and ditch these people and I'll cuddle her all day saying that I'm needing comfort' but ofcourse I won't do it since after she says it's fine, Yeonjun will have the courage to do it again and will act like it's normal for them to do it.

"We're here!!!" Yuna suddenly squealed that almost broke my eardrums. She's sitting beside me by the way and I didn't noticed that the van we're riding already stopped.

Before they go back to their hometowns, we agreed to go in a private resort and have fun at the beach and drink at night.

Maybe this will be a memorable one... Or I hope so.

Since we're seven here and two are guys, ofcourse they will share the bedroom and for the five girls.. I mean... I'm eyeing this one person since I got the room key of one room.

"Okay, Yuna and I will share the other room" Lia spoke and pulled Yuna's hand with her as they walk towards their room, leaving us three here since the two guys already went to theirs.

"Okay, let's go and take a nap first. I'm tired" chaer hooked her arms around my and Yeji's neck, and we also headed to our room.

We arrived pretty early than expected so we got time to sleep for an hour or two and just eat after we woke up then play at the beach.

As soon as we opened the room, the space is fine for three but there's only two beds.

"Oh my Gosh, I'm so tired" Chaer spoke and run towards the bed, throwing her bag on the side and flopping herself on the bed, laying her front.

I chuckled at her antics, simply saying she'd like to have the bed on her own. But ofcourse, I don't have a problem with it.

"Come on let's sleep" I watched just how Yeji drop her bag on the side and lay on her back on the left side of the bed before patting the other side, looking at me expectantly. "Aren't you tired?".

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