XXXI: Need A Little Help.

319 21 15

3rd POV

Waiting for the clock to tick during the New Year's eve, two ladies were laying on the grass, hands are almost clasped. Giggles and stares at this dim lighted backyard where they watch the fireworks by the houses nearby, how can a specific whispered do not feel giddy by glancing at her side.

She stopped watching the lights in the sky and fixed her gaze, admiring this glowing brunette who doesn't seem to notice her stare.

Until the fireworks stopped, that's when she was met with cat eyes. She was smiling while the shorter looks at with full of love, if she would determine that.

"Free fireworks.... It's so beautiful" Yeji said before completely taking a hold on the other's hand, fiddling it with her own.

"Yeah. It is" she said seriously, playing along with the other hand .

Now that their exchanging laughs and giggles, Ryujin had the sudden urge to act out her feelings.

She moved and laid on her side, placing her free hand on the side of the brunette's head and pulled it closer to her. Lips softly grazing the other's forehead making both smile.

As they put a little distance in between, Ryujin watched how the other slowly flutter her eyes open, and directly looks to her eyes.

"Happy New Year.." she mumbled and pulled Ryujin in a hug, her face hiding on the crook of the shorter's neck as she greeted back.

Soon they were laying on their back, both pair of eyes staring at the night sky. Then the brunette decided to break the deafening silence engulfing them

"What are your plans this year?" She asked without looking at the other. Maybe she knows it's better to talk like this for now.

"What do you mean?" Confused with the question, she glanced at Yeji but quickly averting her eyes back to the sky "Like a general plan or a plan after graduation or for college?" She continued.

"Just a plan. Or anything you like" then she closed her cat eyes, while keeping her hands rested on her stomach.

Ryujin gave it a thought for a moment before she answered. "I plan to stay.. and I want it to be better for myself and..." then she closed her eyes as she continued "You?". Tone was asking but can also be in addition to her sentence.

There is silence but not for too long before she answered with a sigh. "I want to be with someone I'll be with for a lifetime".

And the whiskered just hummed. Maybe no words was ready to come out as a response for that... Or maybe because she felt someone's eyes are staring at her.

"Let's go to college and graduate together okay?" The brunette whispered and Ryujin knows the other was still looking so she hummed again, with a nod and let the minutes pass.

In this night, considering and thinking of how they treat each other. Ryujin might have decided onto something.

Something that can make or break her heart.


I know it will be a huge risk to confess but I may be too dense if I didn't feel anything on her actions towards me. So here I am, a hundred percent sure that I'm not sure whether this will be good or not but.... I should tell her everything since it's been years and, she's not taken... Yet.

School has started and everytime I'll see them, him and Yeji, I don't know but I focus more on thinking how, when and where should I confess. It should be something and somewhere special ofcourse... It's Yeji.

"Are you done?" She suddenly spoke that startled me as I was lost in my own thoughts.

Here we are at my room, ending up as a pair for an assignment and maybe I was on the same page of the book for a long time that she asked.

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