XXXIII: Tears Left To Dry.

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3rd POV

Midnight, few hours after the brunette was pushed away by someone who's in pain. A faint knock was heard coming from downstairs and the whiskered was yet to have her rest, mind was still too crowded to be in peace. But she battles herself whether to open it, afraid to see her again.

Until she checked her phone as it vibrated, Soobin was waiting outside. Knowing that she's not here, she opened her door for him and let him enter the house.

"I'm worried. Sorry I didn't know he--" he haven't settled on the couch but he goes and try to explain.

Ryujin, who's eyes are puffy, look at him and gave him a reassuring smile. "It's fine, thanks for your concern but... I think I need to be alone?" She spoke before she covered her eyes with a hand. "I don't want anyone to see me like this so..please?".

"It's fine to cry. I left the party to check on you, since she left after that thing." Then he pulled her in a hug and patted her back. "Want to drink?".

A question that got no answer but the dimpled guy felt his cloth slowly being soaked, and as his comforting action continues, followed the low sobs made my the whiskered.

Not noticing that he was tearing up too. Maybe feeling what was his friend was going through.

And for the night, he let Ryujin to lock herself upstairs while he stay at the living room. Not planning to leave his friend alone in this kind of situation.

Morning came and it was late when his friend have woke up, still looking too heartbroken but manage to give him a smile.

He insisted to cook for them and they had their meal in silence but a moment after they finished, they heard someone trying to open the front door but when that person didn't succeeded, knock was made before she spoke, looking for the owner of the house.

Ryujin might've expected this as she left both the front and back doors locked. She's letting the other enter her house anytime back then but she thinks it's different now and needs time to heal. Just before she can't avoid the other on weekdays.

She felt the other staring at her buy she said nothing. "Would it be wrong if I don't let her in?" She spoke, not meeting the other's eyes.

They're still in the kitchen so talking like this won't be heard by someone waiting outside.

Soobin waited for her to look at him and chose not to voice out his answer, but as she looked, he gave him an understanding smile. "Maybe she'll leave after she thought no one was here".

And after a while, no more knocks was followed and seems that the brunette have left.

Later that morning, Soobin needs to go home and as the whiskered send him at the front door, a paper bag was placed on the side. "Don't think too much.. just call me if you need someone to talk to" he saw it too and patted her shoulder before he leave the house.

Now, Ryujin was just laying on her couch, the paper bag containing some meds and foods were placed on the table with her phone that keeps on vibrating with notifications.

She saw some of the messages from their group chat and that's why she's not holding her phone anymore, but the sound it makes was slowly getting to her nerves.

A heavy sigh was heard before she turned her phone off and head upstairs.

Night came and she's currently sitting at her desk while staring at darkness. She haven't turned on every lights in her house and doesn't find the need to so she let it be, in case the brunette come again.

And she did.

Another call coming from outside was heard along with the knock on her front door. Giving no response and any sign that she's there, her back door made a sound like someone was trying to open it. But she failed.

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