III: Something More Than Sorry.

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Waking up the next day is just the same like always. Getting up early to read some books, eat, then preparing to go to school. Good thing those peeps cleaned up their mess before leaving, so I got nothing to do more. Aside from commuting.

Great. I left my baby in school's parking lot just to escape. That's just one of the disadvantage of sneaking, the next day I would have to ride a bus.

I sighed before locking my front door, heading to school an hour or two before the bell rang.

As I walk in this neighborhood, I peeked at a certain house and seems like the owner is still not awake, telling by the off lights that could be seen from outside.

I chuckled before picking up a small stone on the ground and throwing it on the door, making a small thud noise, then I quickly run when the lights on the second floor suddenly turned on.

Imagining her little huff and pout as she squint her eyes after waking up made me giggle.

After the ride, I went to our room just to put my bag so I won't be called as late later if ever the teacher will come before me. Then I brought out my camera and a book before heading to the rooftop of the building.

Reaching the rooftop, breathing in the morning breeze never failed to made me feel at ease. Silence... Alone...

I put my book on the bench before I started taking random pictures and ofcourse... The sky that always changes but didn't experienced being hated by me. Everytime, it's just pure beauty.

After taking a few, I sat on the bench and looked at what I have taken. Then I laid on the bench and resumed on reading the page I stopped at before.

Just a little before I finish the book, I felt sleepy so I decided to take a nap, using the book on covering my face from sunlight.

Unfortunately, right before I enter the dreamland, the loud sound of the bell could be heard from the speakers around the school.

Even though I don't want to, I have no choice but to stand up. "I hope something new will happen" I breath out as I found my way to our room.

The hallway was already empty probably because the students went to their respective classrooms but here I am, taking my time. 'One missed subject for today won't hurt me that much'.

But ofcourse, even with how slow my pace was, I still reached our room with time remaining. So I entered the back door of our room and bowed to our teacher, supposed to go to my seat when I noticed someone standing beside our teacher.

"Oh...you.." I trailed in disbelief, pointing my finger at her.

"You're late" Our teacher sternly said that made me look anywhere else but to their direction.

"I took pictures" good thing I brought my weapon for this kind of battle. Surely they won't be able to win, they need me.

With a low cough heard from our teacher, I smirked and take my seat.

"So again, Ms. Hwang Yeji will be your new classmate. Treat her well and be nice with each other. And for your seat..." Our teacher spoke but I remained my eyes on her. She haven't raised her head since I arrived. Keeping her head low, while wearing the glass I bought yesterday.

"Here!" I shouted, too loud I may say. Pointing at the vacant seat on my right. "No one sits here" I followed.

"Okay. Shin don't fool around with our new student, help her instead with adjusting" he sighed and motioned her to my seat.

I scrunched my nose with his statement. It sounded like I don't bring any good here.

As she walks, I keep my eyes on her until she's taking her bag off her shoulder. "Hi!" I smiled at her brightly and from the look of her face, she looks so adorably shocked seeing me.

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