XXXV: Just Please Stay Away.

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3rd POV

As graduating students, everyone got busy on complying with their final requirements but a certain whiskered may be using her time too much unlike her friends who can go out of their house, have fun and walk around the city, while she stays at home after school.

Her mind was an exception since it still works even though she consumes an inhumane least amount of food that a normal one can't stand even for a day.

Bags under her eyes were too dark not to be noticed and it's slowly becoming visible how she's been loosing weight little by little.

She prefers to be like this, than to agree with having a sleep over at her own house. Knowing that she'll need to pretend again, having the brunette around.

Being alone, here in a house as if no one lives, she can show her emotions freely, at any time without thinking if anyone might see. Just her and her pillows.

No she's not alone every single time. Her guy friend do visit and stays with her when he knows she needed someone. But he can't stay all the time, and that would be the moment where her mind would be back to someone.

For this very moment, they went to Ryujin's house from completing everything in school and now they make it sure that no one follows.

They had a few drinks and it's not late in the evening when Soobin finally spoke. "I thought you love her, why did you stop talking to her?" He left that question lingering to her mind and he went home when he received no answer. Just giving a tap on her shoulder and a smile for her to figure it out.

Maybe he asked that after being too fed up on witnessing how Ryujin leaves everytime the brunette will try to talk to her. But then later that moment, he'll see her friend having a hard time on her own.

Ryujin heaved a shaky deep sigh befor3 taking a shot. "First, her heart already belongs to someone else" she spoke to herself. "I can't accept that I thought I would be fine with staying as friends but after deciding to tell her... now I can't handle seeing her with her lover" She smiled as she continues.

"I'm ashamed to myself for thinking, by how she treated me and by how she made me special, I thought we could be something else than friends" then she leaned on the couch, resting the back of her head on it as she closed her eyes, letting the tears roll down her face.  "And if it's for her happiness, I'm ready to let go of this feelings".

"Maybe now, I'm slowly accepting the facts" she told herself as she opened her eyes and stare at the ceiling.

Next days followed and her birth month have entered, just after their graduation follows her day.

She's not sad that her parents won't be able to attend, she understands that they weren't able to travel because of something unmentioned. Yuna's parents are there and will serve as hers as well, so she won't be like the other kids who's on the side and watching as her schoolmates was being showered with love by their parents.

Until the big day have come, many students are in line, taking turns in walking at the center as their names and class they're in were announced.

Soon, everyone was seated, listening as the program starts and waiting for their time to walk at the stage and accept their diplomas.

Ofcourse, maintaining their high academic record, the group of friends were included in the recipients of medals and certificates. But Ryujin didn't feel any regret when she ended up being the top 2 while Soobin took the first spot. She knows she lacks during this year even though she gave more time in studying, she's not completely focused and learned less than usual. So there's no any feeling of refusal and she congratulated her friend for such achievement.

Why Can't It Be The Two Of Us ( Ryeji )Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora