VI: Help From A Friend.

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Nervous. That's what I'm feeling as soon as she offered me to come inside her house and I should just be happy that finally she opened her doors for me but why my knees suddenly felt weak?

Then looking at this brunette, I smirked. 'I think I'm not the only nervous one here'.

"So ahmm... You can- you can just sit there for a while" she stuttered as she pointed on one of the couches.

The interior design is just simple, obvious that someone just moved in. It's clean and spacious, only the needed furnitures could be seen.

"Yeah.. I'll sit here" I almost slipped my butt off the couch when I focused my attention on her leaving figure, heading to the kitchen. "You don't have to cook for me, I'll leave in a few" I shouted, assuming that she'll at least serve me something to eat cause she's the one who invited me in.

Then she came back holding a glass of orange juice.

"Sorry, I can't cook but if you're hungry--" I shook my head and halt her words, feeling embarrassed to even think that I could eat here.

"No I'm fine, you? Are you hungry?... I haven't really seen you eating in school during lunch" she handed me my cap and the glass before taking a sit not to far away beside me.

"I do eat.. but..." She seems hesitant so I smiled at her as I turn my body, facing her.

"Okay, let's eat together tomorrow if that will be fine" I suggested and with her shocked reaction that I find amusing, I didn't waited for her response. "Where do you want to eat?"

I suddenly feel excited about it.

"Do you eat under that tree? I've seen you a lot of times there" I followed with the lack of response, after taking a sip on my drink.

"Hmm?" Why does she sound like she's shy to admit it.

"Oh come on, I think it would be cool if we eat there. Cafeteria gets too messy sometimes" I then leaned on her couch, feeling more relaxed. "So let's eat there... It's better if you have company you know?"

"Are you sure?" She asked even talking to her should be given a lot of time to think.

I looked at her with eyebrows knotting, still not sure as to why she's like this. "Yeah ofcourse and ahm.. maybe I need to go home now" emptying my cup, I stand up and pointed at the door.

"And ah... Thank you-- thank you for this" I hold up the cup before putting it on the table. Scratching the back of my neck because of my awkwardness.

She stand up and seems like having a difficulty forming a word to say, just looking anywhere but me.

"See you tom-tomorrow" then she finally looked at my eyes, lips tries so hard to form the smallest smile possible that just lead me to release a chuckle.

"Yah.. it's not that hard to smile. It's like this..." I used my point fingers to stretch my lips upwards, not minding that I look like a joke now. But she's just staring still so I walked closer to her and do it to her. Using my point fingers to lift her lips upward to a wide smile. "Like this... I can do this since we're friends now".

With our face come closer, her eyes looking at me, I suddenly felt my heart beats faster.

I quickly moved away and sighed. "Like that-- you-you should smile like that." Then my nervousness faded when I saw her she's doing it on her own. "I'll go now". I didn't waited for her response and headed outside, giving her a final look and wave before walking home.

'She's really cute'.
Next day have come and this time, I decided to pack my lunch. Just a simple bento box, perfect to eat under a tree.

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