XXIV: Handle Me With Care

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3rd POV

"Hey..." Ryujin mumbled as she looked at the pale brunette standing at the door.

A nod was the only thing she got before Yeji went to the school nurse. They had a talk but not too long and the nurse left heading to the medicine cabinet.

Ryujin took this chance to stand up and walk to check on her.

"Why are you here? Are you okay?" Though she looks the same, she was too worried after seeing how pale and weak Yeji looks closer, but even before she lay her hand on the other's forehead, she retreated it as she step back.

Before she got an answer to her question, the school nurse interrupted and made Yeji sit then she questioned the brunette, telling her to take a rest after.

The whiskered heard their conversation and knowing why the other was here, Ryujin's mind went back last night. Confused why she got sick. Then her attention lead to Yeji when she stands up.

The brunette just lowered her head and nodded before she moved and went to lay on the other bed.

Maybe accepting that Yeji seems like she don't want to talk and just want to take a rest, she let her be. After all, she's the one who avoid the other first.

So she laid back on the bed and chose to lay on her side, not facing the brunette as she close her eyes and try to take a nap.

In a few minutes the school nurse left the room leaving the two patients, thinking they are asleep... But obviously not.

A deep sigh was released before foot steps was heard in the room. Ryujin still keeping her eyes closed, pretending to sleep but as she felt a tap on her shoulder, she can't help but to turn and look at the brunette.

"Can I lay beside you" Yeji finally spoke to her and with how weak she looks, Ryujin felt guilty on how uncomfortable she sounds.

She asked while not meeting the whiskered's eyes, like she's wishing for something they haven't done... Like she's so afraid to be turned down.

With no response from Ryujin as she continued to stare at the brunette, Yeji looked more in despair as she forced herself to smile.

The cat eyed was about to turn around and walk back to her bed when a hand suddenly pulled her down on the bed, arm were wrapped around her waist while the other was placed on the back of her head, pulling her closer.

She was shocked with the unexpected action at first but soon relaxed and flushed their body closer together and she snuggled on the crook of Ryujin's neck as her arm snaked on the other's waist.

No words can explain how much Ryujin missed this... She just want to not care for a moment and let things happen... Move those future thoughts away and cherish this kind of time they have.

With that, she closed her eyes and pulled Yeji impossibly closer to her. Not minding if she would hear how fast her heart beats.. not minding if they are both sick but what matters to her now is...

She's hugging Yeji. No one else but her..

"I like your scent" Yeji mumbled and she can feel on her neck how she smiles that made her want to do the same but she still can't.

"Take care of yourself" Ryujin spoke and plant a soft long kiss on the top of the brunette's head.

She can't help it. Her heart aches too much that she acts even before she thinks.

No one talked after that and Ryujin let herself be engulf with Yeji's warmth, caressing her head until she felt the other's hand loosened on her waist.

She kept her close to her, like her life revolves around Yeji while... Her world seems to be someone else.

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