XVIII: Near Yet Too Far.

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3rd POV

"Let's sleep here" Yeji pulled the other inside the house. She's complaining but let herself be pulled, funny that she's not even trying to resist.

Coming inside the room, the brunette directly went and face the cabinet, choosing a pair of clothing to give to Ryujin.

After taking turns in using the bathroom to quickly wash up, they head downstairs and decided to spend the remaining time of afternoon just sitting on the couch. Being lazy together and agreeing to order their food for the night.

The whiskered reached to grab her phone and opened a delivery app when suddenly, her friends' name popped up.

Confused as to why, she took a quick glance to the person beside before answering the call.

Expecting to see Soobin, it addends to her confusion when she was welcomed with Chaeryeong's face while hearing her two other friends' loud conversation, and looking at the background.. it's way too familiar.

"Yah!! What are you doing in my house?!?" She shouted. Maybe out of surprised that her friends didn't mentioned that they'll be back or just because they didn't asked for permission and just went in her house.

"It's not our fault, you still don't lock your back door" Chaeryeong retorted like she could be proud with it.

"I do. At night" the other said as she shifted on her sit.

The brunette just watched her friends talk, smiling as how they start to bicker even just right after answering the call.

"Where are you? We've been here for long. Don't tell me you're starting to hook up with someone huh.." the red head's face come closer to the phone as if she could see what's on the other's surroundings and eyeing her suspiciously.

Ryujin glanced at Yeji who's just still smiling looking directly at the phone. She don't know if she should just slide Chaer's statement or deny or accept it.

Then not having a decision, she placed her phone in front of yeji. "Say hello. These dumbs are messing my house"

"Oh hi Yeji" Chaer greeted in full smile, completely forgetting her time with Ryujin, and when the other's heard, they showed themselves eating and greeted yeji as well.

"Can we invite them here?" The whiskered whispered, seeking permission first. "Or we can go there".

"I think it's better there since they already set their things" she said and I immediately bid my goodbye to our friends, after informing that will be there in ten mins.

In over sized shirts and pajama shorts, they walked out and head to the other's house. It's just a couple blocks away and it's not embarrassing to walk in those fits in their neighborhood.

As they reached Ryujin's house, it's not really surprising that there are already a bunch of foods on the floor, and another set that could be seen on the kitchen table. Some cans of beers were already emptied and the rest are still on the side of the couch.

Chaeryeong and Soobin was playing a video game as they sat on the floor and Yuna, well she's laying on the couch on her side to give space for a box of pizza that she's devouring by herself.

"What a mess" Ryujin mumbled under her breath, witnessing how her friends become too comfortable and treat her house as their hide out. Or just... Somewhere they can stay whenever they'd like.

As the night came, Soobin brought out a higher contained alcohol that he said, he got from vacation. Being a teenager filled with excitement, they gathered in circle to take shots of the said drink.

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