XXV: You Are My Valentine

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I spoke to Yeji after that night. We slept together and she never left. She listened to me talk while we have breakfast.

Not completely lies but I said that I'm doubting my self in a lot of things and its just reflected through my actions and to her as well. 'That's why you might've noticed that a lot had changed', I said.

'and some people just got to my head' I added and she didn't asked me to elaborate it further more but she stood up and gave me a hug, saying that I shouldn't let myself be too affected because of other people and only care for myself.. no one else.

But I felt sorry. I can't care for myself more than I care for her.

After our talk, she went back to her home when I said I'll go to school and I think... I believe that she's fine that we can talk freely again.

For the following days, we acted like we didn't avoided each other and came back on how close we are back then but still, we can't leave out the difference.

We do little intimate touches, glances and spend our time alone together but in school, since they said that Yeonjun will be joining us during every lunch, I don't think I'll be able to survive so every now and then, I'll excuse myself and say I won't be joining to do some stuffs.

Whenever I'll leave them, I'll be all alone at the rooftop or sometimes, the place where Yeji used to eat alone, under the tree.

And now that I've been truly busy since we have the same valentine event we didn't attend last year, I'm one of the tasked photographers so I was needed to attend therefore I'll drag my friends along but... I think, even though I don't ask her to come, she seems to like the idea of being present and I don't want to admit the reason behind it.

I was needed to school early this morning so I just left her breakfast at her door and didn't managed to cook for my packed lunch but I went to a convenience store to grab some.

I've been in our club room since we're excused for the whole day of class to arrange and help on organizing the hall where the event will took place.

Until lunch came and I decided to just eat alone under the tree. I brought out the wrapped kimbap and strawberry milk that I bought.

I was just enjoying my lunch while I stare at the field when someone abruptly took a bite on the kimbap I was holding near my mouth.

"Sorry 'bout that.." I looked at her with wide eyes but she just giggled as she took a sit beside me. Reaching for my drink and taking a big gulp on it. "Ha... What a great lunch you have".

I kept staring at her, losing my interest to continue on eating as my attention were already focused on her.

But I was a bit stunned when she took another bite on my kimbap that I have yet to move away from my face.

"Stop looking or I'll eat it all" now I realized that I may have stared at her for too long so I put down my food to grab my drink but I can't see any. Then looking at this person beside me, she's already drinking it like it's hers. "It's really tasty.."

"Yah.. you drink it all" I said after taking it from her hold. It's fine with me but I'm confused why she's here during lunch hour and not in the cafeteria with our friends. "Why are you here?" I finally asked to avoid any absurd thoughts that may come to my mind.

"You know... I sometime see you here when we're heading to the cafeteria and you said you're busy so you won't be able to join us" she's looking ahead as she spoke, keeping her feet off the ground as she move it back and forth, hands were resting on the bench. "Now I came here to know what makes you busy with just staring at the field" then she turned her head and looked at me straight in the eyes, the way that made feel so exposed. "What makes you so busy here?" She followed.

Why Can't It Be The Two Of Us ( Ryeji )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora