Ch. 5

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Trigger warning: Hurt Naruto and Sasuke, Zabuza, assumed wrongs,  stitches, blood

"I see." Zabuza sounded very calm, despite the kunai to his neck. "I guess you're not a fool."

Naruto noticed that his left eye was now uncovered. His eye was a bright red, with three black yin marks surrounding the pupil.

'Kurama? Is that the sharingan?'

Kurama gave a snarl. That's it.

Naruto gulped. Even with the revolution that his sensei had a Sharingan, it was strange how calm Zabuza was.

"But," Zabuza said. "I am not a fool either."

A second later, Zabuza dissolved into water.

Kakashi lurches back. "A clone?"

Just then, kunai with explosive tags were launched at Kakashi. He jumped back and dived into the water that was close by to escape the explosion. When he surfaced, he gasped and looked around, trying to find Zabuza.

Before he could find him, he was suddenly encased in water. He could still breathe, but it was clear he was trapped.

"Kakashi!" Sasuke yelled.

Zabuza appeared out of the water. "You are now in a water prison. There is no way for you to get out."

Zabuza then created a clone out of the water, and the clone began to hold the prison and keep it stable.

The real Zabuza stepped forward. "Now I can have a little fun with your team. I wonder how good they are?"

Sasuke's eye twitched and charged at Zabuza.

'No Sasuke! You idiot!'

What is that Uchiha thinking? He's no match for this guy!

Sasuke throw a kunai at Zabuze, who dodged it easily. The moment he got close enough, Sasuke tried to stab him in the chest.

This didn't go well. Zabuza was able to grab his arm and pinned him to the ground. He then slammed his foot into Sasuke's chest.

Sasuke cried out in pain.

Kakashi yelled out. "No! You four get out of here."

Naruto narrowed his eyes. There was no way for them to get away. Zabuza would chase them down and kill every last one of them.

Zabuza raised his blade, and it was clear he was going to stab Sasuke right in the chest.

Naruto quickly came up with a plan. Charging in, he crossed his fingers and muttered, "Muti-Shadow Clone Jutsu."

Two clones grabbed Zabuza's arms and pulled him back. Naruto grabbed Sasuke and handed him to two clones that dragged him away.

This angered Zabuza. "You little brat!"

Breaking free from the clones, he slashed Naruto across the chest. He did jump back, but the cut was still deep. Zabuza then kicked him back and Naruto slammed into a tree.

Naruto cried out in pain. His injury made his clones disappear.

Kakashi was now starting to panic. Naruto was badly hurt and without medical attention, that injury could get infected fast.

Zabuza lunged at him, but before the blade got within five feet, a new voice rang out. "Water style! Aqua Mirror Jutsu!"

A mirrored version of Zabuza appeared out of the mist from the direction of Naruto. It slammed the mirrored bland, forcing him to jump back, even if it was mostly in surprise.

Kakashi's eyes widened. None of them could have done that jutsu. Sakura was still next to Tazuna, and Sasuke was still on the ground, trying to get up. So, who was it?

A trimmer went through the ground. The mist cleared. Standing in front of a collapsed Naruto was a shortish man. He had pale blonde hair, and bright pink eyes with a stitches up scar under the left eye.

He wore green and dark gray robe-like clothes with leather boots. They held a staff with a blue flower on the curved tip.

There was a crack under the staff. Kakashi realized that this was the person who not only saved Naruto but also cleared the mist.

Zabuza started shaking. "You!" He said it with so much hate. As if that word alone was a three-paper essay on this person.

The man said nothing. He only narrowed his eyes and lunched at Zabuza.

What happened next was a shock to the four others. Zabuza barely managed to block the man's staff, and then get kicked in the ribs.

The man then shot a blast that moved so fast that only Kakashi's Sharingan was able to follow it.

The blast hit the water clone right in the chest. It was too much damage for it, and Kakashi was now free from the water prison. He ran right to Naruto.

Zabuza, knowing he couldn't fight this man, slammed his blade into the ground, creating a lot of dust. The blonde man closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, Zabuza was gone. Taking his mind off Zabuza, the man raced back to Naruto.

The rest of team 7 and Tazuna surrounded Naruto. The cut on his chest was still bleeding. They hear footsteps and looked over to see the mystery man. Only Tazuna recognized him and immediately backed away. Both Sakura and Sasuke drew kunais wanting to protect Naruto.

The man stopped a few feet away from them. "I would like to heal Naruto."

Sakura backed off, Sasuke was a bit more hesitant, but let the man through.

The blonde man put his hand on Naruto's wound. A soft green light glowed around the man's hand.

When the two other genin looked closely and saw that, slowly but steadily, Naruto's wound was closing.

After about five minutes, the gash was gone. The only thing that was left was a blood-stained slice in his jacket.

Sakura gasped. "How did you do that? And who are you?"

The man stood up calls called medical ninjutsu. And my name is..."

Before he said his name, Tazuna fell to his knees.

Sakura put her hand on his shoulder. "Tazuna-san? Are you okay?"

Tazuna point to the blonde man. "That's the 4th Mizukage!"

Kakashi's eyes widened. He had hurt stories of this man. He cold-blooded killer. Why was he here? Why did he bother to heal Naruto?

Kakashi took a deep breath. "Lord Mizukage, you why are you here? Why help us Hidden Leaf ninja?"

The Mizukage sighed. "As I was trying to say before, my name is Yagura. I am here because I wanted to meet Naruto. I didn't expect to see Zabuza here."

Kakashi stood up. "Thank you for helping us. Now, I will take Naruto to our client's house he can rest there."

"No," Yagura said. His voice screamed obey me. "I will be taking Naruto with me. We have things we must discuss. He will be returned to you by tomorrow or the day after."

The Mizukage knelt and gathered the now-sleeping Naruto into his arms. Before Kakashi could protest, he then vanished.

Kakashi growled. "A transportation jutsu."

Letting out a sigh, he covered his left eye and said. "We have to hope that the Muzikage will stay true to his word."

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