Ch. 28

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Trigger warning: Mentions of death, alcohol, and blood,

Naruto and Jiraiya stopped in a village after walking for around two days. This was their first pit stop.

After checking into an inn and getting some food, Jiraiya took Naruto to an open field.

"So, what is this jutsu you wanted to teach me?" Naruto asked as they walked.

Jiraiya smiled at him. They stopped next to a large rock. "This is a jutsu that your father invented. The Rasengan."

He held out his hand and clutched his wrist. An orb of spinning Chakra formed in his hand. He slammed into the boulder. When the dust cleared, the rock was nothing but rubble.

Naruto clapped his hands and jumped up and down. "That was so cool."

Jiraiya laughed. He found it funny that, even though Naruto was the leader of the jinchuriki, some of the most powerful people in the world, he was still a kid excited about a cool jutsu. "Now, this isn't an easy jutsu to learn, but I'm confident you can do it."

Naruto nodded. "So, how do I learn it?"

Jiraiya set his scroll down. "This jutsu combines speed rotation and Chakra control. I am sure you have the Chakra control down. Now, take this."

He held out a water balloon.

Naruto took it and looked at it. "Do I need to break it with my Chakra?"

Jiraiya nodded. "What you have to do is spin your Chakra around inside of the balloon to make it pop."

Naruto nodded. He put Chakra into the balloon and it started to shake. After a few minutes, the balloon burst, and water went everywhere. "I did it!"

Jiraiya nodded and took more balloons out of the scroll. "Good. You should work on getting it done faster."

Naruto nodded. He was enjoying this. After about an hour of training, he was able to make the balloon pop in a second.

Jiraiya looked pleased. "That was fast. Nice work. I guess having tons of Chakra makes it easier."

Naruto, who took off his jacket, nodded. "Do we want to work on the next step, or keep moving?"

Jiraiya rubbed his chin. "How much Chakra do you have left?"

The blonde boy closed his eyes for a few seconds. "I still have quite a bit left."

Jiraiya nodded. "Okay." This time, he took a rubber ball out of the scroll. "Now, do the same thing you did with the balloon, but this time with this ball."

Naruto tilted his head. "What's the difference?"

Jiraiya tapped the ball. "The difference." He said. "Is that this is tougher? It will also move a lot more with your Chakra."

Naruto nodded. He quickly went to work on putting his Chakra into the ball. He quickly realized that Jiraiya was right.

Naruto may have been good with using Kurama's Chakra, but that wasn't going to help him with learning this. He also had to put all his consecration into channeling his Chakra, so that he couldn't maintain a shadow clone.

After several hours, he was able to make the ball burst, but he was exhausted. Jiraiya called it a day. He told Naruto that he would need to continue practicing with the ball.

They got back on the road and Naruto listened to stories about his father and mother as they walked.

It wasn't long after dark that they arrived in a town. Jiraiya sighed. "We made it."

Naruto looked around. "This is where you think Tsunade-san is going to be?"

The sage nodded. "This place is known for a woman with incredible medical ninjutsu."

Naruto blinked. "What does that have to do with anything."

Jiraiya let out a short laugh. "Tsunade specializes in medical ninjutsu. She's saved my life with it."

Naruto smile. "I'll have to thank her for that."

"I already have."


As they walked to an inn, Naruto glanced at his godfather. "Why is she here? Why isn't she in the leaf?"

Jiraiya clinded his fist. Naruto recognized that this might have been a sensitive topic. "Her brother was killed. He died from blood loss. She learned medical ninjutsu after that."

Naruto waited for him to continue. "She also lost her lover."

Naruto looked down. "I can see why that would make someone want to leave the village."

Jiraiya checked into the inn. "It wasn't only that. He died during the third great ninja war. He died the same way her brother did. She ended up getting a fear of blood. When Orochimaru left the village, I guess that was the last straw. She started to drink and gamble, which she sucks at."

Naruto set his bag down. "I hate alcohol. The smell makes me sick."

Jiraiya gave a short laugh. "I can see why. Anyways, there are a few things that you need to know about her. One, she's over 50 but she looks like she's only twenty. She has blond hair and has a very large chest."

Naruto winced. "To much intoformation Pervy Sage."

The toad sanin laughed. "Come on. Let's get some sleep."

As the older man fell asleep, Naruto began reading up on the information his godfather gave him. As he read, one name caught his eye.

Itachi Uchiha

S-rank missing-nin.

Village: Hidden Leaf

Itachi specializes in genjutsu. He has the three Tomei sharingan and the Mangekyō sharingan. He is one of the most powerful members of the Akatsuki. He is the one who massacred the Uchiha Clan.

Naruto flinched. 'So this is the person who Sasuke-kun wants to kill.'

He stands no chance. From what I've heard, this Itachi is ridiculously strong. He graduated from the academy when he was seven, passed the chunin exams when he was ten, and became an ANBU captain when he was 13. Kurama said in grudging admiration.

'Can you give me a little Chakra? I want to put a powerful seal on myself. I got rid of the one from the chunin exams.'

Sure but why? Kurama asked as he put a little Chakra into Naruto's body.

'If Itachi ever comes, his first instinct is to put me in a genjutsu. If I put a seal to prevent it, it might surprise him. That would give me time to get away. I'm going to make it a permanent one. Judging from what I'm reading, there aren't any seal masters in the Akatsuki.' Naruto slipped out of the room and did the seal. It made quite a bright light, and he didn't want to wake Jiraiya up. It was a little painful, but it quickly faded.

Not a bad idea kid. It will also help with any enemy that's good in genjutsu. Kurama said.

Naruto smiled. 'Thanks. I'm going to work on the Rasengan in my mind. Go ahead and sleep. Goodnight.'

Night kid.

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