Ch. 41

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Trigger warning: Angry Naruto, Orochimaru's crimes, talk of self-sacrifice.

Naruto put his hair up in a high ponytail before he entered the record room. Tsunade had given him access to get a better understanding of Orochimaru to find and take him down. All of the other jinchurikis were still in the village, staying in the Hokage manner, as Naruto's house was too small to fit all of them.

As he read through the files, something caught his eye. It was about Orochimaru and was the thickest file there was.

Flipping it open, he found that Hirozen knew where most of the snake's hideouts were. Some had Xs over them, and others were circled.

One caught his eye. It was farther away from most of the others. It was surrounded by stone with a ring of trees and a nearby pond that had a waterfall.

'Kurama. What do you think of this?' He asked.

Hmm. The fox studied the area. I think that's a pretty good bet. Who do you want to take?

'We're not taking Sasuke-kun.' Naruto pulled the map from the file. 'Garaa-chan's still a little weak, and I'm not sure about taking Killer Bee-chan.'

I think you should take Sakura. With her medical ninjutsu, she could be useful. If you take Fuu, she could use her wings to fly silently.

Naruto walked back to his apartment. 'Okay. That's three. The hideout is kinda far away, so I want Yagura-chan with me. His transportation jutsu will be useful.'

Good point. Kurama was inching for a fight. While they had only recently fought Deidara, it had been cut short.

Once in his apartment, he mentally linked himself to Fuu and Yagura. 'Fuu-chan, Yagura-chan, can you come to my apartment? I have something I want to talk about with the two of you.'

'No problem!' Fuu answered cheerfully.

'I'm on my way.' Yagura relayed.

Naruto snapped his fingers. Talula, Sakura's fox, appeared. Slipping a note telling her to come, he sent the fox off.

After ten minutes all three of them were there. Sakura was a little behind but Naruto didn't mind.

They sat around his table and Yagura cleared his throat. "Naruto-sama, why have you called us here?"

Naruto tapped the table. "It has to do with Orochimaru."

Sakura leaned forward. "Go on."

Naruto spread the map on the table. He pointed to the hideout. "Both Kurama and I believe that this is where Orochimaru is hiding. This is the most recent layout."

He tapped one of the circles with an X. "These ones are hideouts that we have searched. The one I want to search is one that was only recently found."

Yagura traced his fingers around the flower on his staff. "I see. But why us?"

Naruto smiled at them. "This mission will require stealth. Fuu's able to fly with her wings. Yagura, you're pretty stealthy, and I want Sakura for her medical ninjutsu. If something goes wrong, then she will be needed."

Sakura blushed lightly. She liked the praise. "Thanks."

Fuu bounced up and down. "I'd be happy to help! When do we leave?"

Naruto stood. "I would like to leave as soon as possible."

The other three followed his example. Sakura cracked her knuckles. Fuu was having trouble staying calm. Yagura grinned and planted his staff on the ground.

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