Ch. 39

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Trigger warning: Shipping and sexuality questions, talk of attacking.

Gaara groaned and opened his eyes. He found that he was back in the Sand. He was in the hospital. Sitting on his chest was his fox Nora.

"Lord Gaara!" He looked over to see a nurse with her hand over her heart. "Thank goodness."

Gaara pushed himself up, much to the annoyance of his fox. "What?"

The nurse helped him sit up. "The Leaf sent a team of ninjas to help get you back. They are Kakashi Hatake, Sakura Harano, Sasuke Uchiha, and Naruto Uzumaki."

Gaara grabbed the nurse's hand. "Where are they now? What happened?"

The nurse shrugged. "I'm sorry Lord Gaara, but I don't know what happened. Sakura-san was uninjured, and Kakashi-san and Sasuke-san were mildly hurt. Naruto-san was unconscious when they got there. He hasn't woken up. Would you like to see them?"

Gaara nodded. The nurse helped him to his feet. Gaara's injuries had healed, but he was still quite weak at the moment. She helped him walk to where team 7 (minus Naruto) was staying.

Kakashi stood up and bowed to the redhead. "Lord Gaara. It good to see you're up."

Gaara gave a slight nod. "I understand that you save me."

Sakura looked up from her card game with Sasuke. "Naruto-kun did most of the saving."

Sasuke shrugged, not looking up. "I wouldn't say that. When we found Kankuro, you got him back. Kakashi killed the other Akatsuki person."

Gaara's eyes widened. "Kankuro was hurt."

Sakura set a card down. "He was poisoned. He's recovering and I think he's okay."

Gaara sighed in relief. "Good." He looked at Kakashi. "Where is Naruto-kun?"

Kakashi looked at his feet. "Naruto was somehow able to cast a red barrier alone. It severely drained his Chakra. He passed out."

Gaara managed to stay on his feet without the help of the nurse. "Please. Take me to him."

Kakashi nodded and stood up. "I will warn you, something happened to his appearance."

As they walked, Gaara pondered what Kakashi meant. He and Naruto had a harder time talking to each other over the last year. Gaara had been trying to find his footing as the Kazakage, and Naruto had been busy with his training.

When the two enter the room, Gaara gasped. Naruto was laying on his back, his hands on either side. His nine tails spilled over the sides of the bed. His ears drooped down, twitching when the door opened and closed.

Gaara looked at Kakashi. "That's Naruto-sama?"

Kakashi nodded. "Apparently something happened when he was training. You're seeing the result."

Gaara walked over and touched the tails. 'They're so soft.'

Just then, Naruto groaned and opened his eyes. He turned his head to see Gaara. He smiled weakly at the redhead.

"Hi, Gaara-chan." He said.

Gaara hugged him. "I'm glad you're okay."

Naruto smiled. "You don't need to worry about me."

Kakashi chuckled. "Well, you passed out for several days."

Naruto's ears drooped. "Sorry."

Kakashi smiled. "You don't need to apologize."

Naruto smiled, but it faded. "Kakashi-sensei, is it okay if I talk with Gaara alone?"

Kakashi raised his eyebrow, but he nodded. When he left the room, Gaara looked at him. "What's this about?"

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