Ch. 6

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Trigger warning: jerk guard, hurt Utakata, blood

Yagura stepped into his office after using his transportation jutsu. Naruto was sleeping like a baby in his arms. He was surprisingly light. He sat behind his desk and laid Naruto's head on his lap.

He started to get to work on a few different battle plans. After about an hour of work, he heard a groan. Looking at his lap, he saw that Naruto was starting to wake up. He didn't blame him for sleeping. That cut on his chest was deep and he hit his head.

He sat on his knees and blinked at Yagura. "Who?"

Yagura smiled. "Hello, Naruto-kun. I am Yagura. It's nice to finally meet you."

Naruto's eyes widened. "What happened with Zabuza? Is my team okay?"

Yagura raised his hand. "Don't worry. They have made it to Tazuna's house. I did briefly battle Zabuza, but he fled."

Naruto let out a deep sigh. "That's good to hear. Where am I now?"

The Mizukage let out a short laugh. "You are at my office. I brought you here in case I needed to help you again."

Naruto blinked. "Help me again?" He looked down at his chest. "Oh. Right."
He gave then Yagura a big smile. "Thank you!"

Yagura smiled. "It was the least I could do. After all, you were the one who get in contact with me."

Naruto looked at the papers on Yagura's desk. "What's all this? I mean, I know you're in the middle of a revolution, but this looked like a lot."

Yagura sighed. "Both of our armies are on standby. The revolutionaries are planning an attack, but I have no idea where that is. They have a plan to kill me."

Naruto's eyes widened. He gripped Yagura's arm. "You're not going to die right? I don't want to lose you."

This was a bit of a surprise to Yagura. He put a hand on Naruto's hand. "I do not fear death. Of course, I would rather live. I do have a plan."

Naruto looked right into his deep pink eyes. "Promise?"

Yagura nodded. "I promise."

He looked back at his work. "I do not like to kill, and I'm running low on forces." He muttered this under his breath. Of course, Naruto being right next to him, heard him. He thought this was a good time to tell Yagura about Utakata.

He took a deep breath. "You know about Utakata, right."

Yagura looked at him. "You mean the recently missing-nin right? Yes, what about him?"

Naruto laughed. "I thought you know Yagura-chan! Utakata-chan is the six-tails!"

The look on Yagura's face was pure gold. Shock, happiness, and frustration are all battling for dominance. "For the love of, I have another jinukuriki right under my nose and I had no idea!"

Naruto laughed again. Yagura gave a smile, as when Naruto laughed, it was impossible not to feel good.

"Get that damn fox out of here!"

Both jinukuriki jumped up and rushed to the door. When they opened the door, a guard was holding one of Naruto's foxes. Tara, the fox for Utakata.

"Let her go!" Naruto shouted. He cared for his foxes. The guard glared at him.

Yagura crossed his arms. "Put. The fox. Down!"

The guard dropped the fox and scampered away.

Naruto dropped to his knees. His fox curled up into his lap. "I'm so sorry Tara."

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