Ch. 12

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Trigger warning: Mentions of blood,

"Do you think that Kakashi-sensei will let us take the chunin exams?" Sakura asked as they ate an Ikiraku's Ramon.

Sasuke shrugged. "Based on the fact that we were able to whole our own against those two, there's a good chance."

Kakashi had told them not to let the other genin know what happened in the land of waves.

Naruto nodded. He wasn't talking as he currently had a mouthful of noodles. He had also gotten stronger. It had been a few weeks after they got back from the land of waves, and he had been practicing a new style of jutsu. Barrier jutsu. With the help of Kurama, he found a special barrier jutsu that would let him fight while the barrier was still up. It acted almost like a shield. It could only be broken a few ways. One was being disabled by the caster, when the caster ran out of Chakra, when the caster fell unconscious, or if the barrier took enough damage, though this was hard to do.

Swallowing his noodles he said, "I hope so! I want to show off what we can do."

Sakura nodded. After they got back from the land of waves, she had been training a lot harder and had stopped dieting. She found she needed the energy to keep training. She also wanted to learn medical ninjutsu. She knew with her small Chakra levels, she had great Chakra control.

Sasuke twirled his chopsticks. "If we are to enter the chunin exams, we need to come up with strategies for all situations."

Naruto snorted. "'All' might be an exaggeration, but for many."

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

After they paid for their food, they walked to where they were going to meet Kakashi.

"Yo!" Kakashi spoke up from the arch above them. He was a few minutes late, but they had gotten used to it.

"Hey, Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto called and waved up to him.

Kakashi dropped down and held one of his hands behind his back. "I have something for the three of you."

Sakura tilted her head. She had a good idea what it was. "What is it?"

Kakashi smiled. Holding out his hand. The three genin looked at them. They were recommendation letters for the chunin exam.

Naruto hugged Kakashi. "Kakashi-sensei you rock!"

Kakashi pulled him off his chest! "Hey! Don't slobber on my vest."

Naruto swayed back and forth on his heels. Sasuke only grunted, and Sakura thanked Kakashi.

Kakashi looked at them. "You all don't have to enter, but I do encourage it."

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura looked at each other and nodded.

Sasuke looked at Kakashi. "We know that all of us must enter for any of us to take the exam. Don't worry though. All of us want to take the exam."

Kakashi smiled. He was glad that his students were smart enough to know that. "Anyway. I have to go. See you later."

Naruto sighed. "I'm going to go home. See you later."

Sakura looked confused. "Why?"

Naruto smiled at her. "Secret. Later." He jumped away.

Sakura sighed and said goodbye to Sasuke, as she was going off to train.

Sasuke wandered off and later decided to train as well.

The reason that Naruto was going home was because he was trying to track down his godfather Jiraiya. He couldn't just send him a letter with his foxes, but he was able to use his foxes to track down Jiraiya.

When he got him, he saw four of his tracker foxes waiting for him. He also saw that Yagura's fox was also waiting for him.

Dear Naruto,

I am happy to tell you that both Haku and Zabuza have rejoined the Hidden Mist. Utakata also rejoined, but I'm sure that you expected that.

Things have been going well in the revolution, and I no longer feel like I'm in danger. I have requested to watch the chunin exams in Konoha. I want to make better relationships with the other hidden villages. Let me know if you will be in the exam.

I hope that I get to see what you can do. Utakata told me what happened on the bridge, and I'm very curious. See you soon if they let me come. If I do get to go, you will be the first one to know.


Naruto smiled and pulled out his pan and paper. He had sent the letter to Gaara after he hid it from Kakashi. He did tell him that Kakashi knew he was in contact with the other jinchurikis, but he didn't know who they were. He also told him about the mental link he would do when they met.

Dear Yagura,

I'm happy to let you know I will be participating in the chunin exams. The one-tail, Gaara of the Sand, will also be there. I'm sure that no one knows your're a jinchuriki. If you do come, I'm guessing that you will be taking Utakata as one of your guards. That will make it so there will be four jinchuriki in one village.
We need to be careful that people don't find out about this. If they find that there are that many jinchuriki in the same place, it could cause a lot of trouble.
If we are to meet, it would need to be in secret. If you do come, then I have a place we can meet.

The famous Hashirama statue is actually hollow. Kurama told me about this. It was used for war meetings. It has a blood seal on it so it and only be accessed by people my father trusted, as he was the one who made the seal. I'll be able to open it was I am his son.

I hope that you're there with Utakata!


After strapping the letter to the fox, he laid down on his bed and let his foxes give their reports on Jiraiya. Most of them hadn't found anything, but one of them was able to pick up on his sent, but wasn't able to follow it as it went into a public place.

I don't think there might be a place Jiraiya might be. Kurama's voice called out.

"And that is?" Naruto asked aloud.

There's a hot spring that's a bathhouse. He might be there doing 'research' for his books.

Naruto nodded. "That might be a good idea. Thank you, Kurama."

After finishing the preparation for the chunin exam, he headed for the hot spring. Hoping to find his godfather.

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