Ch. 34

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Trigger warning: Sakura hitting Naruto

Naruto woke up to a knocking on the door. He ignored the knocking for a little bit, but the person didn't leave.

"Aright. I'm coming!" Naruto grumbled.

He had changed into a gray shirt with the Uzumaki crest and black pants. He walked to the door. When he opened it he found Kakashi waiting for him.

Naruto rubbed his eye. "Do you need something Kakashi-sensei?"

Kakashi chuckled at the sleepy blonde. "We're going to be training. I'm surprised that you were sleeping in the middle of the day."

Naruto gave an embarrassed smile. "Kurama made me."

Don't blame me kid. Kurama growled.

Kakashi's shrugged. "It's fine. Master Jiraiya told me that he taught you a new jutsu. When I told your teammates, they said they wanted to see it."

Naruto nodded. "Okay. Let me change."
After five minutes, Kakashi and Naruto arrived at the training ground 16. Sasuke and Sakura were waiting for them.

Sasuke scoffed. "Took you long enough."

Naruto smiled at them. "Sorry. Are you just excited to see the new jutsu?"

Sasuke crossed his arms and turned his face away. "Maybe."

Naruto laughed. "I don't have it fully mastered, like you with that lightning move. I need the help of a shadow clone."

Sasuke looked confused. "The move is called Chidori. Why do you need the shadow clone?"

Naruto stopped next to a rock. "I'll show you."

He created a clone and created the Rasengan.

Sakura gasped. "What kind of jutsu is that?"

Sasuke started at the move. 'What in the world is that?'

After he finished gathering the Chakra, which only took a second or two, the clone dispersed. He slammed the move into the rock next to him. Just like Jiraiya did.

When the dust cleared, the three other ninjas saw how much damage it did.
Sakura shuttered. "That's a powerful move."

Sasuke looked at the damage. "Kakashi, do you think that's more powerful than the Chidori?"

Kakashi hummed. "Based on the damage, should Naruto master it, it would be more powerful than the Chidori in some areas."

Sakura rubbed the back of her neck. She had cut her hair short, as she found that it was interfering with her training. "In some areas?"

Kakashi pointed at the damage. "From what I can tell, that move-"

"The Rasengan." Naruto interjected.

Kakashi continued. "It has more destructive power. It's good for causing a lot of damage to a big area on a target."

Naruto looked at the rock, now rubble. "I can see that. What about the Chidori?"

Kakashi pointed at Sasuke's left hand. "The Chidori, on the other hand, is more of a piercing move. It's better for a striking."

Sasuke studied his hand. "I can see that. But how many times can you make The Rasengan? I can only do it twice."

Naruto shifted. "Due to the fact that I have Kurama's Chakra as well as my own, I'm not sure how many times I can do it. But I've been able to make it ten times in a row."

Sasuke whistled. "That's a lot. I think the Chidori uses more Chakra."

Kakashi nodded. "It is more unhinged."

Sasuke looked at his hand. "I wonder what would happen if we clashed our moves."

Sakura gently smacked him. "How about we don't find out? Those are some powerful moves. You two would get seriously hurt."

Naruto laughed. "You're probably right. But don't you know medical ninjutsu? You could patch us up right?"

Sakura walked up and smacked Naruto. It wasn't hard. "That's not the point! Medical ninjutsu isn't a miracle. There are limits to what I can do."

Naruto looked down. "Okay. I understand."

You don't understand at all, do you? Kurama said.


Kakashi cleared his throat. "We need to get to work."

The three genin nodded. Soon they were working on new taijutsu moves. After a few hours of training, they started doing D-rank missions to pass the time. Most of them were doing things like walking parts and doing manual labor.

By the end of the day, they had done seven D-rank missions. Team 7 headed back to their own homes.

Naruto stopped by Ramon Ikiraku's for some food. He talked to him and his daughter for around half an hour.

When he got home, he notices that a few foxes were waiting for him. Responding to them, he saw that Yagura's war had started again, and Haku was currently fighting. Naruto was worried, but he was confident in Haku's skills.

Naruto sat on his bed and began to meditate. Arriving in his mindscape, he walked around until he found a good place to try and find a way to weaken the seal. Having napped early in the day, he wasn't tired. Both he and Kurama wanted to remove the seal to give him more access to Kurama's power. They found that if he lost control, Kurama could take control of Naruto's body. This way, Naruto's body wouldn't be damaged as much. Naruto still had a hard time recognizing people when he was in the version two-state.

He was also working on staying in his version one form with more than three tails.

"Check this out." Kurama's voice rang out. Naruto looked to find a smaller version of Kurama sitting to him.

Naruto blinked in confusion. "What? I thought that you were trapped in the cage."

Kurama grinned. "I found that I can send a piece of my Chakra out of the seal. It lets me move around your mindscape freely."

Naruto smiled. "That's great! How long will you be able to do this."

Kurama tilted his head. "I can do this for several days. Don't worry."

Naruto sighed. "That's good. Also, when do you think that I can just remove the seal? I can't find a way to only weaken the seal."

Kurama sighed. "What makes you think I know? It was the Fourth Hokage who did it. Not me."

"I know." Naruto complained. "I just don't like all of you being stuck in the cage!"

A new voice rang out. "So you two are friends."

Both Naruto and Kurama turned to see the fourth Hokaga standing a few meters away.

Naruto's hands shook. "Dad? How?"

Minato smiled. "Hello, son."

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