Ch. 43

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Trigger warning: Blood, Living Corpse Reincarnation, killing.

As Naruto and his team knelt outside the snake's room, he went over the plan with them in their minds. They were ready.

Sakura balled up her fist and punched down the door. As the dust kicked up, Naruto grabbed Orochimaru around the waist using a mix of his and Kurams's Chakra shaped like a claw. The snake crossed his arms to block the attack, and Kabuto covered his hand with Chakra.

Yagura and Fuu rushed in to get Kabuto away from the snake sanin. They were able to do this with ease. Naruto walked in with Sakura behind him.

The fox-like boy smiled at Orochimaru. "It's nice to see you. Oh, wait. It's not." He glared at him with no life in his eyes, which had turned an angry red. "I will enjoy your death." He closed his fist.

As the snake sanin's body was crushed, he opened his mouth, and a small white snake shot out. It went past Naruto and Sakura.

The two turned, only for them to be greeted by a massive creature made of white snakes coiled together with the head of Orochimaru but had a snake-shaped mouth with huge fangs.

Sakura's eyes widened. "What is that!"

Naruto growled. He manifested his fangs and claws, let his whiskers deepen, and grew another two inches in height. "Sakura-kun, get back. Go help Fuu-chan and Yagura-chan. I'll handle this."

She looked like she wanted to disagree with him, but she nodded and rushed off.

Naruto lunged at Orochimaru. He used a Chakra claw with slashed the body in half with ease. Or at least, that's what would have happened had the snake not moved out of the way.

The beast lunged at Naruto, trying to bite him. Naruto, able to sense his malice, covered himself in Chakra. When the snake beast tried to bite him, his fangs snapped off.

Naruto grabbed the mane of snakes that was the body and ripped into it. It was slowing down, so he transformed into his version two-state. This made it so it burned the snakes.

It was only after a few seconds of ripping into what he assumed was Orochimaru that he started smelling something. It was NOT a pleasant smell. The world around him morphed into a land of flesh, with Orochimaru covered in it laughing at him.

"Silly boy. I get to take over such a healthy body that also has the Nine-tails."

Naruto smirked. He knew what was going on. This was the Living Corpse Reincarnation jutsu. It had a three-year time limit, and Naruto figured that he was sick because his body was rejecting him. 'Kurama. Do you want to scare the living $h¡t out of him?'

'Hell yeah!'

Behind Naruto, as Orochimaru tried to take over his body and soul, the flesh tentacles were burned away.

Orochimaru hissed in pain. He looked up at the massive, orange, and very angry fox behind him.

Kurama snarled and put his nose right in front of the snake. "You messed up your child-abusing self-absorbed tapeworm. You look like you crawled out of a goat's stomach that was then eaten right back up, only to be thrown up again. Your intelligence in this situation is lower than the children you torture."

The insults stunned Orochimaru and made Naruto suppress a laugh. Kurama opened his mouth, created a tailed beast bomb, and let it hit the snake point blank.

This caused the justu to be completely undone, and Naruto found himself back in the room. Orochimaru's corpse laying in pieces around him, covered in slightly dried blood.

Naruto sighed. 'I guess that means I don't need the scroll.'

'I enjoyed it.' Kurama said.

'Of course, you did.' Naruto thought as he jogged in the direction he sensed his friends in.

He didn't notice the few small snakes that slithered away into the cracks.

When he got there, Naruto found Yagura and Sakura healing Fuu. Kabuto was nowhere in sight.

He ran over. "What's going on?"

Yagura looked up with a rage that would make Killer Bee stop rapping. "Kabuto got away."

Naruto knelt next to Fuu, who was unconscious. "What to Fuu-chan?"

Sakura looked up. "Kabuto used some kind of jutsu that lets him almost kill Fuu."

Naruto growled, but he didn't intervene with their medical ninjutsu. 'Note to self, torture Kabuto.'

'Can I join?'

'Seriously, Kurama?'


After they finished healing Fuu, she still didn't walk up. The three figured that she was exhausted.

Yagura looked up at Naruto. "What happened with Orochimaru?"

"He tried to use a jutsu to take over my body. To make it stop, Kurama killed him." Naruto said calmly.

The others weren't surprised. They figured that Naruto's plan to seal Orochimaru would likely fail.

While Naruto appeared fine on the outside, he was destroyed inside. He never wanted to kill someone, even if it was Kurama who launched the attack.

Sakura lifted Fuu onto her back. "I'll carry her." She looked at Naruto. "Did you find anyone?"

Naruto nodded. "Three people yours and my age. I have clones with them."

"Should we go find them?"

"We don't need to. I can mentally link with my clones now." Naruto said.


"Naruto!" Karin ran over and hugged the blonde male. "You saved Jugo and Suigetsu too?!"

He smiled. "Yeah. And, you don't have to worry about Orochimaru anymore. He's gone."

She smiled before turning to his friends. "And who are these people?"

"My friends. The blonde is Yagura-chan, the greenette is Fuu-chan, and the pink-haired is Sakura-kun." He pointed to them as he introduced them. As he was doing so, Jugo and Suigetsu came cover, catching their names.

He smiled at his friends. "This is Karin, Jugo, and Suigetsu." Pointing them out to like he did with his friends.

During their few minutes of talking, the clones vanished, and Naruto felt the Chakra, but also the exhaustion to return.

Then, Naruto asked a question he was worried about. "Do any of you know if there are any other children that Orochimaru has?"

Karin nodded. "Yeah. I can lead you to them as long as you save them."

"That what I want to do." Naruto smiled at her.

As they talked, the small white snakes watched them, but they were too far away to hear. It was too dangerous for them to get any closer. The slithered away from the group.

What they didn't know was that Naruto saw them and knew what they were. He used one hand to create a few clones that went after the snakes. It didn't take the clones long to find the small snakes, where they drove a kunai into them.

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