Ch. 36

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Trigger warning: Massive change in Naruto.

Massive time skip!!!

Naruto walked back into the village after three years. He had changed a lot. He had grown much taller and he grew his hair out. It now fell to his collar and he held it back in a short ponytail.

He had changed his outfit as well. He kept his orange pants, but they were a bit darker. His shirt now had a black cut around his arms and neck. He changed his headband to black and his shoes were black as well.

The biggest change in his appearance was something that happened when he tried to transform into Kurama. Because he only had part of Kurama in him, the transformation failed. Now, he had a permanent change. He now had fox ears that started at his blonde but faded to orange. He also had nine orange tails that flicked around. He had learned to control them.

It came with some perks. He had great hearing now. With his tails, he could ensnare people and hold them will little problem. The tails also let him give Chakra to others using them. He would sometimes use them to smack Jiraiya when he gets too perverted.

He had created things to protect the other jinchurikis and something he wore.

It was a bracelet made of thin gold with a red gem in the center. Placed on the bracelet was a Chakra-hiding seal. As long as the jinchurikis wore the bracelet no one could detect them.

Another property of the bracelet was to protect them if they were found. It would flash and let the other jinchurikis know that they needed help.

Naruto discovered several power that can with using Kurama's power. He could now use Kurama's Chakra for days on end with no damage to his body. Towards the end of his training with Jiraiya, he had been able to remove the seal. He could now use Kurama Chakra mode. As he only had half of Kurama sealed in him, he couldn't do a tailed beast transformation. He still wanted to train a bit more before he called on his father again to seal the rest of Kurama inside of him.

He had also managed to combine his wind nature with the Rasengan. He called it Wind Style, Rasenshurikin. It did a lot of damage to whoever it hit. It cut off the Chakra network to every cell in the body.

Another thing he was now able to do was summon toads from Mount Myoboku. His personal summon was a toad named Gamakichi. An orange toad who was the oldest son of Jiraiya's summon Gamabunta. Gamakichi was still quite young, so during a big fight, Naruto called on Gamabunta.

He had met up with the other jinchurikis a few times but they hadn't had another meeting where all of them met up.

He looked at the Hokage rock and saw that Tsunade's face was now carved into the rock.

He felt Jiraiya's hand on his shoulder. Looking over at his teacher, he smiled and took a deep breath. "I'm ready."
Jiraiya nodded and the two walked to the Hokage's office.

When they got there, Naruto knocked on the door.

"Come in." Tsunade called.

When they opened the door, Tsunade had a look of shock on her face. She stood up and quickly walked over to Naruto.

She gave him a hug. "It's good to see you again, but what happened?" She let go and looked at Jiraiya. "I see you've been hard at work."

Jiraiya shrugged. "Naruto's a good student. He can now use Kurama's power with no problem. The ears and tails happened as an accident."

Tsunade looked at him. "I expect nothing less."

Naruto blushed. "Do you know where Kakashi-sensei, Sakura-kun, and Sasuke-kun are?"

Tsunade looked out the window. "Well, Kakashi-san is right there."

Naruto followed her gaze and grinned when he saw Kakashi. He opened the window to talk to him. "Hi, Kakashi-sensei!"

Kakashi gave a masked smile. "Hello, Naruto. It's good to see you again."
Naruto pulled something from his bag. "I got this for you."

He handed a light blue book to Kakashi. The title read Icha-Icha Tactic. Jiraiya's new book.

Kakashi looked at the gift with wide eyes. He took it in his hands like a holy grail. "See ya!" He vanished.

Naruto laughed. "Tipical."

Tsunade shook her head. "I believe that your two friends are on their way now."

A series of fast footsteps rang out. A second later, Sakura came running in through the door. "Naruto-kun!" She said as she ran and hugged him.

Sakura still had her hair short. She had a red sleeveless shirt and light pink shorts. She wore gray fingerless gloves and boots with a short heel.

A few seconds later Sasuke walked into the room. He now wore a light gray shirt with a small Uchiha crest on the back. He had a pale, but dark blue cloth around his waist that was held in place with a black rope. He had dark gray pants and black sandals. On his back was a sword in a black sheath.

Sasuke nodded to Naruto. "Good to see you again. What's with the tails though?"

Naruto pulled Sakura off him. "Hey, Sasuke-kun. I see you're using a sword now."

Sasuke glanced at the weapon. "Oh. Yeah. What about you?"

Naruto smiled. "I've learned a few things."

Tsunade cleared her throat. "As cute as this is, I have work to do. You can continue this outside."

Naruto smiled. "Okay Tsunade-oba-san. Let's go, guys!"

As they walked out of the office Sakura laughed. "You're still calling her that?"

Naruto pouted. "Yes. So what?"

Sasuke shook his head. "So, how did things go with the training? Can you control Kurama's power?"

Naruto nodded. "I can show you at the training grounds."

The two nodded. Sasuke glanced around as they walked. "Should we bring Kakashi?"

Naruto shook his head. "I gave him a new book from the series he's always reading. I doubt that we'll be able to get him away from it."

Sakura rolled her eyes. "Why would you give him that?"

Naruto laughed as they arrived at the training grounds. "Let him have some fun. Are you guys ready?'

The two nodded. Naruto took a deep breath and activated Kurama's Chakra mode version two.

His skin turned a glowing yellow and he now had a cloak made up of Chakra. His hair flowed up like he was underwater. The whisker marks on his cheeks changed into three thick lines on each cheek. When he opened his eyes, his eyes were orange with a slit for a pupil. There were spiral markings on his hands and Chakra floated off him.

Sakura gasped. "That's beautiful."

Sasuke shuttered at all the Chakra. "How can you handle all of it?"

Naruto quickly deactivated the mode. "It took a ridiculous amount of training. I don't like to use it often as if I run out, it would take weeks to recover all the Chakra."

Sakura nodded. "I can see that."

Sasuke put his hands behind his head. "What's been going on with the other jinchurikis?"

Naruto smiled. "Things are going good. None of us have been captured. Han-kun and Roshi-kun are back in their village. As are most of the others. Gaara-kun is now the Kazakage."

Sakura sighed. "That's good."

Sasuke nodded in agreement.

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