Ch. 21

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Trigger warning: Kurama taking over Naruto.

"What did you say?" Sakura said. She was laying in a starch white hospital bed. Sitting in between her and Sasuke, who was asleep, Naruto looked up.

He took a deep breath. "I fought Orochimaru."

Sakura clenched her fist and hit Naruto in the back of the head. It wasn't hard enough to hurt him, but it didn't feel good.

She couldn't do much more as both her's and Sasuke's legs were bound to the bed, as they had been thrashing when they got in.

"What were you thinking?" Sakura scolded him. "Taking on one of the legendary sanin! You could have been killed!"

Naruto looked at her. "He hurt you guys. What was I supposed to do? Let you die?"

Sakura looked at him. "What if you run out of Chakra? What would have happened then?"

As if we could run out of Chakra.

'Not now Kurama.' Naruto thought. "I'm sorry Sakura, but I acted without thinking."

Sakura scoffed. "That's clear. Now get me some food. I'm hungry. Dango. Yes. Get me Dango."

Naruto smiled and stood up. "Yes ma'am." He walked to the door. "And Sakura-kun."

She looked at him. "Yeah?"

He smiled. "Thanks." He left.

"Where's he going?"

Sakura turned to see Sasuke woke up. "He's getting me food. He'll probably bring some for you too."

Sasuke gave a weak laugh. "That sounds like him."

Suddenly, pain erupted from where the curse mark was. It felt like a thousand nails were being hammered into one spot. He started to scream and clutch his neck.

Sakura gasped. "Sasuke-kun!" She tried to get out of bed, but the binds on her ankles stopped her.

She screamed for the staff. She screamed for someone, anyone to help them. Where was the staff?

"Naruto!" She screamed. Hoping that he would come. She continued to try to get to Sasuke, but she couldn't. The binds on her ankles cut deeper and deeper.

She heard footsteps, and Naruto ran into the room. Following shortly behind him was Kakashi.

Naruto ran up to Sasuke. "What's going on?"

Sasuke's eyes flashed to the Sharingan, then back to his normal black, and back to the Sharingan.

Kakashi cursed. "The Demon curse mark! Dammit!"

Naruto looked at the mark. 'Kurama what do we do?'

I need time to think Naruto! Kurama panicked a bit.

'We don't have TIME!' Naruto was basically screaming.

Demon, demon? Demon! An idea popped into Kurama's head. That's it!

'What's it?!' Naruto thought.

The demon curse mark can be destroyed by a demon. I'm a DEMON!

Naruto looked at his sensei. "I'm going to do something. Don't try to interfere."

Kakashi didn't know what he was planning, but he trusted his student. He stepped away.

Naruto quickly waved signs. 'Fūinjutsu! Body lock!' Sasuke froze. The seal stopped him from moving. Sakura stopped struggling and watched.

'Do it Kurama!'

But it could hurt-


Kurama took control of Naruto's body. His eyes turned bright red, his whiskers deepen, his teeth became fangs, and his nails turned into claws.

Naruto, under the control of Kurama, bit Sasuke's shoulder.

This shocked both Sakura and Kakashi. Sakura hoped that her sensei would stop him, but Kakashi did nothing.

He figured out what Naruto was doing. Naruto had a demon inside of him that he could control. The demon curse mark could be destroyed by a demon. Naruto was going to try and destroy the curse mark.

When Kurama bit Sasuke, he sent some of his Chakra into his body to take away the pain.

When the Chakra enter Sasuke's body, the pain lessened. It wasn't completely gone, but it became bearable. He looked over through misted eyes. He saw Naruto biting his shoulder. When he saw what had happened to Naruto's appearance, he froze.

Kurama started to absorb the curse mark. It went on Naruto's skin, but it didn't go past his whiskers marks. He stored it in Naruto's mouth, and let go of Sasuke's shoulder. There was a bit of blood from where his fangs were, and there was a bit of the curse marks dark Chakra leaking out.

Kurama bit down on it and pulled on it. Pulling his head back, he managed to completely remove the curse mark.

Kakashi looked at him with wide eyes. He had never seen something like this.

Kurama let the Chakra out of his mouth and consecrated it into a small orb. It rose a few feet into the air above.

Kurama put his hands on the bed to stabilize himself. He sent waves of his Chakra into the orb, causing it to steam and disintegrate.

Kakashi stared as the orb slowly started to dissolve. He looked at Naruto. He realized that Kurama had taken control of Naruto's body to destroy the curse mark. He guess that Naruto had let him so he could help Sasuke. As he continued to watch, he was that burns were appearing on Naruto's arms, but they healed faster than they could form.

He realized that using this much-concentrated power was starting to damage Naruto's body, but it was also healing it.

After a minute, the orb was gone, and Naruto swayed on his feet. Kakashi grabbed him not wanting him to fall. Naruto's eyes were closed, and he was breathing like he just ran from across town. He saw that Naruto's whiskers went back to the normal three lines, and his claws turned back into nails.

"Naruto-kun." Sakura whispered.

Naruto shook his head and opened his eyes. They had changed back to blue, but he looked tired. "Did, did it work? Is it gone?"

Kakashi nodded. "I don't know how you did it, but you did. Good work."

Naruto nodded. "Good." He struggled to his feet.

Sakura sighed. "That goodness."

Naruto put his hand on Sasuke's arm. 'Release.' He fell to his knees.

Kakashi caught him. He guessed that removing the curse mark took a lot out of him.

Sasuke felt the seal vanish. He touched his neck. The blood from where Naruto bit him ran onto his figures. 'How did he do that.'

None of the Leaf ninjas noticed that sand eye in the corner of the room. Gaara, along with most of the other jinchurikis had felt a spike in Naruto's Chakra and used his sand eye to investigate. During the jinchuriki meeting, Naruto was able to increase the strength of their mental link, so as long as they were within one hundred meters of each other.

'I figured out what the spike in Naruto's Chakra was.' Gaara thought.

'What happened?' Fuu asked.

'He removed and destroyed the curse mark Orochimaru put on Sasuke.'

'What!' Killer Bee said.

'I'm not sure how, but I'll ask him when he wakes up. He passed out when he finished.' Gaara reported.

Gaara undid his sand eye and sat on his bed. He would see if Naruto, whether he was in the hospital or at his house. He figured that he would be treated for his burns, and then sent home soon after.

He sighed. 'Please be okay Naruto.'

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