Prologe 3

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(In this chapter I'm writing about Naruto's first few interactions with the other Jinchurikis.)

Naruto was in his house. He didn't have to go to the ninja school. Why? It was the weekend.

Naruto was on his bed. He had been talking with Kurama about the other-tailed beasts. Then an idea popped into his head.

'Hey, Kurama?'


'Do you know if any of the other tailed beasts are sealed?'

(Note. Naruto knows the names of all the tailed beasts, and not the names of the jinchurikis yet. Kurama only knows the names of the other Jinchuriki.)

All of us are actually. Kurama admitted. Shukaku is in a kid your age. Gaara from what I've heard. Matatabi is sealed in Yugito, and Isobu is in Yagura, who's the Mizukage. Son Goku is in a guy called Roshi, Kokuo's sealed in someone called Han. Saiken's in Utakata, Ghomie's in a girl younger than you, Fuu. Lastly, I know that Gyuki is in a guy called Killer Bee.

'Do you think I can get in contact with them? I want to know more about people like me.' Naruto stared at the ceiling.

I think so. You've been in the forest, seeing the foxes right? Kurama asked.

'Yeah. Why?' Naruto sat up.

If you can train them to use transportation jutsu, they can be used as messengers.

Naruto smiled. He got to his feet. 'Well, let's get to work!'


After several weeks, Naruto was able to train his foxes in transportation jutsu. While he struggled with it, he found that it was because of his lack of Chakra control, thanks to the massive amounts he had.

'Okay. They're ready.' Naruto clipped the last amulet to Amanaraka, the fox for Killer Bee. 'What should I say?'

Why are you asking me? Kurama snorted. I don't know. Maybe just tell them you're a jinchuriki?

'I guess it's worth a shot.' Naruto pulled out a dozen sheets of paper and a pen. He started with Gaara.

Dear Gaara,

My name is Naruto Uzumaki from the Hidden Leaf. I understand that you are the jinchuriki of the one-tails. I am also a jinchuriki! I have the nine-tails!

Anyway, I'm writing to you to let you know that there is someone like you. Your fox, Nora, will let you stay in contact with me if you want to.

I hope that I'll hear from you!


Naruto reread the letter. 'Okay. I think it's good.'

You still have eight more to write.

'Quiet you.' Naruto thought jokingly. He got to work.

Next was the letter to Yugito.

Dear Yugito,

My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm from the Hidden Leaf. I know that you are the jinchuriki of the two tails, Matatabi. I am the jinchuriki of the nine-tails.

I'm writing to you as I want to get in contact with you and the other Jinchuriki. I know that we all have suffered and been hurt for something we have no control over.

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