Ch. 37

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Trigger warning: Akatsuki

Naruto was eating at Ramon Ichiraku when Kakashi came up to him. Naruto had just finished his third bowl.

He looked at his sensei. "Hi, Kakashi-sensei! Do you need something?"

Kakasji smiled. "Sakura-kun and Sasuke-kun are waiting for us at training ground 10. They have a lot of questions about, this." He gestured at Naruto's tails.

The blonde blushed and nodded. Paying for his food and thanking Ichiraku, they went to the training ground.

Sakura and Sasuke were waiting for them. "About time!" Sakura yelled.

Naruto's ears fell from his friend's yell. "Sorry." He said. "Kakashi-sensei just told me."

Sasuke sighed. "Whatever. Get to talking you idiot."

Naruto tilted his head, the ears moving with it. "What about?"

Sasuke snorted. "Why don't we start with the ear and nine tails?"

Naruto laughed. "Sure."

The four sat in a circle. Naruto began to explain. "So, after two and a half years of training, Pervy Sage wanted me to try a tailed beast transformation."

Sakura leaned back. "A what?"

Naruto smiled. "A tailed beast transformation. It is what we call it when a jinchuriki takes the form of their tailed beast. I can't do it though."

Sasuke raised his eyebrow. "Why?"

Naruto looked at his stomach. "I only have half of Kurama sealed in me. As Kurama was sealed in me when I was a baby, I wasn't going to be able to handle all of the power, so Kurama was spilt in two. Yin and Yang. I have the Yang half."

Sasuke nodded. "So, you can't do it because you only have half of a tailed beast."

Naruto nodded. "When I tried it, Kurama was asleep. The transformation failed. As a result, I'm now stuck with these ears and tails. It's not that bad though."

Kakashi looked at him. "How so?"

Naruto smiled at him. "Well, I have better hearing now. I can hear your heartbeat."

Kakashi whistled. "That's not bad. What else."

Naruto used a tail to grab Sakura and lift her into the air. She squeaked when he did. "I can grab people."

Naruto put his friend down and continued talking. "I can use them to give Chakra and cloak people."

"Cloak?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto nodded. "I can give them a bit of Kurama's Chakra. It takes to form of a cloak of red Chakra that looks like a fox. It increases their power, Chakra levels, and straight."

Sakura smiled. "That sound like a powerful move."

Naruto shrugged. "I have to touch someone to do it, and it does drain my Chakra, of course, but I don't mind."
Suddenly, Gaara's fox came running at them. She yipped at Naruto and paced around.

Naruto grabbed the fox and took the letter. As he read it, his eyes widened.
Sakura looked at him. "Naruto-kun? What is it?"

Naruto looked up. "Two Akatsuki members are heading to the Sand. They're going after Gaara-chan!"

Kakashi stood up. "Let's go to Lady Tsunade!"

"Hai!" The three ninjas stood up and raced to the Hokage's office.

When they got there, Sasuke had to hold Naruto back from barging into the room without knocking. "Come in."

The four rushed in, Naruto clutching the letter from Gaara.

Tsunade looked confused. Shizune was at the hospital providing teaching for advanced medical ninjutsu. "What's going on?"

Naruto placed the letter on her desk. "Two Akatsuki members are on their way to the Sand. They're going after Gaara-chan!"

Tsunade clutched the letter. "I can't send a team there right away."

"You're not." Naruto's deminer changed. He was angry. "Only I will go."

Sasuke immediately protested. "Like hell you are! We're going with you!"

Sakura nodded. "Naruto-Kun, we can't let you go alone."

"You can." Naruto's tails flicked around, and Kakashi stepped back. "And you will."

Tsunade stood up. "Naruto, your-"

Naruto cut her off with a harsh look. His eyes changed to red, with a slit pupil. "I'm not having anyone else get hurt. No one else is coming."

Kakashi tried to reason with him. "Naruto-kun, this is going to be dangerous. You'll die if you go alone!"

"I'm not alone! I have Kurama!" Naruto shouted at his sensei, and tears threatened to fall from his eyes. "I don't want you getting hurt." Naruto's ear drooped and his tails fell. A big downside of his ears and tails were that if he was sad, his tails tended to droop.

Tsunade put a hand on his shoulder. "If you go, then they might catch both of you. I can't lose you."

Naruto looked down. One of his tails reached out to Kakashi. Tsunade noticed this. "What if you go with Kakashi."

"What about us?" Sakura protested.

Sasuke had an idea. "We could be back up."

Kakashi looked at him. "Explain."

Sasuke crossed his arms. "Kakashi, Sakura, and I could hang back from the fight. If things get bad, then we'll step in. It will let us help if you need it, and also keep us out of danger if we're not."

Naruto fileted with his necklace. "I, I can get on board with that."

Tsunade sighed in relief. "Alright. But keep in mind. This would likely be an A-rank mission. Are you sure about this?"

Team 7 nodded. Tsunade smiled. "Alright. Get moving."

"Hai!" The team vanished from the room. They quickly grabbed some rations, a bed roll, and ninja tools. Within five minutes, they were at the gate.

Kakashi looked at the sky. "It will take us a few days to get to the Sand." He looked at Naruto. "I know that Kurama's power can make one faster. Do you think your cloak move can help us? We can get there in a day."

Naruto nodded. Three of his tails slipped around him. "Touch the tip of the tail."

When they did, Kurama's Chakra surrounded them. Sasuke could feel his power growing. He had been training like crazy. He was able to use Chidori about fifty times. He could mold it into different forms, and even put it through his sword. But the Chakra he felt now was on a different level. He felt like he could use Chidori hundreds of times. The strength that filled his limbs felt amazing.

He shuttered. "Wow."

Kakashi nodded. Sakura flexed her arm. "This feels amazing."

Naruto blushed. "It is still dangerous. You can't handle it as well as I can. But that's only because I spent years training it."

Kakashi nodded. "Let's move."

The young ninja nodded and jumped away. The others were amazed at how fast they were able to move with the help of Naruto's Chakra. It took them a little bit to adjust to how fast they were, but they got the hang of it.

Watching them, Kabuto slipped through the tree. He knew he had to inform his master that Naruto was back and that he could control the nine-tails.

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