Prologe 4

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(I'm going in order of tails.)

Gaara sat in his room, on a chair by the window. He hadn't slept in a week, and he was on edge. His father, Rasa, had now tried to kill him six times.

Gaara had started to believe that Rasa would use Temari and Kankuro to try and kill him. If not, he would try to do it on missions.

When he heard a yip, he turned and imminently went to attack it. He assumed that it was from his father.

Surprisingly, the fox dodged the sand. Gaara did it again, but the fox continued to evade his attacks.

Curious, Gaara stopped.

The fox trotted up and sat by the redhead's foot. It wagged its tail and yipped again.

Gaara noticed the bag that fell at its side. He leaned down and flipped it open.

Inside, was a folded piece of paper that had a seal of the letter 'N' on it. He pulled it out. Unfolding the paper, he found that it was a letter.

Dear Gaara,

My name is Naruto Uzumaki from the Hidden Leaf. I understand that you are the jinchuriki of the one-tails. I am also a jinchuriki! I have the nine-tails!

Anyway, I'm writing to you to let you know that there is someone like you. Your fox, Nora, will let you stay in contact with me if you want to.

I hope that I'll hear from you!


Gaara narrowed his eyes. Of course, he was suspicious. He guessed that this was a trick from his father.

And yet, something about it felt different. The style didn't sound like his father's. It was friendly. Upbeat. Like someone who wanted to connect.

Gaara looked down at the fox, Nora, as the letter said. 'Why do I trust this person? I've never met him.'

Nora put a paw on his leg. Her tail wagged.

A knock rang on Gaara's door, breaking him out of his thoughts.

Nora scrambled under the bed, and Gaara quickly stuffed the letter into his bedside table.

He walked over to the door. When he opened it, he found that it was one of his father's servants.

The servant told Gaara that Rasa wanted to talk with him.

Gaara glared at the servant. "Tell him I don't want to talk to him. Tell him that if I find that someone else comes to get me to talk to him, they will die." He shut the door.

Nora crawled out from under the bed.

Gaara took the letter back out and made up his mind. He grabbed a pen and paper.

Dear Naruto,

I am Gaara of the Sand. I find it odd that you contacted me. My father has been trying to kill me, to get me to have complete control of the one-tails, Shukaku.

I don't trust you, but if you can give me away to prove that you don't want to cause me harm, I will stay in contact.


Gaara folded the letter and realized he had nothing to stamp it with.

Nora yipped. Gaara looked down to see that she was showing him her side bag. He put his hand in and found a candle, a small box of matches, and a stamper with the letter 'G' on it.

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