chapter 4

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Violet's pov

I awake with someone shaking me lightly. Not knowing who it is or where I am I back away quickly, putting my hands near my head. After a couple of seconds nothing happens, no impact, no hit, no kick, nothing. I lift my hands from my head and Marley is in Infront of me with a look of curiosity and worry. she was the one that woke me up.

"Honey, we have the test results" she says with a large smile and eyes gleaming with happiness, I keep my face blank of any emotion not wanting to show how I'm feeling or any emotion but, in my head, I'm thinking that she can't be this happy for me going to an orphanage, I mean she could, but I don't think that is why she is so happy.

I look down not really wanting to go to an orphaning. Marley sits down next to me after I sat up properly, she puts a hand under my chin which I didn't flinch at. round of applause, please.

"Honey, we found out that your father Tim wasn't actually your father but your stepfather, your mother took you away from your real father and brothers and moved down here where she met Tim." Marley says looking right into my green eyes, her blue ones shining.

I take a second to think about what she just said. Tim wasn't my real father, my mother let me believe that monster was my father- a person who should be there for you, love you and take care of you but Tim was none of those things.

Not being able to take it with all the emotions I've felt today, I let a tear slip down my face. In a small voice, I say "I have brothers? Will they take me or am I still going to an orphaning?"

Marley smiles at me before saying "They are very happy for you to stay with them. They have been looking for you since your mother left with you. One of them should be here soon"

I look up at her with hope in my eyes, maybe, just maybe I can have a better life. one where I'm not getting beaten, one where I'm not scared of the people who are supposed to love me, one where I can be happy.

Marley then moves both of us to a private room because one of my brothers will be here very soon, I just sit there thinking, will they like me? Will they be nice? How many brothers do I have? But just as I finish my last thought there was a knock on the door.

Marley gets up giving me a smile reassuringly, opening the door there is a man, a very tall man like 6'7 with a suit on and an emotionless look on his face. He scans Marley before scanning the room when his eyes land on me. His eyes soften looking at me, but I keep my face emotionless. I can't get my hopes up just because he shows some affection.

"Hello, you must be Mr Costello, I'm Marley Anderson we spoke on the phone" Marley says with yet another smile on her face like seriously when she dies her face will still be smiling from her never not smiling.

The man still hasn't taken his eyes off me when he says "Yes hello" he begins walking toward me and I immediately look at him with precaution, my body tensing a little and my hands making fists a little while standing slowly. I think he notices my body language because he lets me see the emotion in his eyes when he knows that Marley can't see.

I still don't do anything, not relaxing my body at all as he still gets closer. The man eventually is in front of me and kneels down on his knees and he still is taller than me like I know I'm small I'm only 5'2 but this is just rude.

"Hey Bambina, I'm your second eldest brother, Elijah. It's so good to finally have you back and see you." He says with a small smile gracing his face.

(Bambina= baby)

When he speaks, I can tell that he Is Italian and he clearly speaks it, but I don't want him to know I do too, I mean I just met him I don't know what he will do, so I put a look of confusion on my face.

I don't answer him because I still don't want to talk and also, I'm not sure what to say, I mean if I say the wrong things, this guy is jacked and huge, he could break me with his two hands.

"Come on. I'll sign these papers and then we can go home where you can meet the rest of our brothers, they can't wait to meet you" he says with a smile, putting his hand out for me to take. Does he think I'm like two? I'm not taking his hand. 

I only nod and start walking out with both Marley and Elijah following me. keenly aware of every step Elijah takes, noting how close he gets to me before he slows his steps down to stay a respectable pace away.

We then make it to Marley's desk, she gets the papers and sits on her side of the desk while Elijah and I sit on the other side waiting to sign the papers. 

marley pulls out a thick stack of papers with a million different tabs. she slides them over to Elijah making sure they are the right way for him before saying that he needs to either sign or initial the tabs. 

with him nodding in understanding Elijah starts reading through all the pages, doing a quick scan to what he is actually signing before he puts his pen anywhere near the pages. 

I can tell Marley is a little confused by it but she doesn't see anything, she just sits there with a smile on her face waiting for Elijah to be done so I will then be transferred into my brother's custody. 

I just take the chance to look at Elijah, seeing the way he holds his body, the way his left hand is always near his hip, the way he does a quick scan of the station every couple of seconds and the way his eyes shoot up when there is a sudden noise. 

he definitely isn't a normal everyday man, he has some sort of training but I can't know which kind, if it's police training or some other type of training. 

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